The Top 50 Black Gate Blog Posts in March

The Top 50 Black Gate Blog Posts in March

Waters of DarknessI think we’ve finally deciphered what it is that Black Gate readers truly want: great fantasy novels, with lots of action and an enchanting cast of characters.

And pirates.

That would certainly explain how the brief announcement of David C. Smith and Joe Bonadonna’s first collaboration, Waters of Darkness, vaulted to the top of our traffic stats and stayed there for the entire month of March — edging out Emily Mah’s Ellen Datlow interview, Sean McLachlan’s examination of one of the greatest miniature battles of history, Violette Malan’s look at swearing in fantasy, and Matha Well’s thoughtful look at how her novel The Clouds Roads fits the Sword & Sorcery sub-genre.

There are plenty of surprises — and lots of great reading — in the Top 50 Black Gate posts in March. The complete list follows. Enjoy — and stay tuned for more posts about pirates. We know a good thing when we see one.

    1. Damnation Books releases Waters of Darkness by David C. Smith and Joe Bonadonna
    2. Ellen Datlow on Hating one of my Questions…
    3. The Battle of the Three Kings, 1578, in Miniature
    4. My Characters Don’t give a Damn
    5. How well does The Cloud Roads fit as Sword and Sorcery?
    6. Sorry, can you say that again?
    7. Adventure on Film: Why Hollywood gets it Wrong
    8. Weird of Oz considers Postbuffyism
    9. On the one year Anniversary of John Carter, Let’s Look Forward to a New Tarzan Movie
    10. The battle of Tondibi, 1591, in Miniature


    11. Tarzan-on-Demand: Tarzan’s Greatest Adventure on DVD from Warner Archive
    12. Goth chick news: Hansel & Gretel: WTF…?
    13. Weird of Oz Huffs about Hit Points
    14. Kickstarter Alert: Dungeon Roll Dice Game
    15. To Unbuild the Unreal City: M. John Harrison’s Viriconium
    16. Adventure on film: Navigator a Medieval Odyssey
    17. Rogue Blades Reveals the Secrets of Writing Fantasy Heroes
    18. Sorry, can you repeat that?
    19. Tarzan and the Valley of Gold, Part 1: The Movie
    20. Self-published Book Reviews: Chains of Loss by Robert Sier


    21. Vintage Treasures: Nifft the Lean by Michael Shea
    22. Weird of Oz: Scooby Meets Buffy (a Postscript)
    23. Vintage Treasures: Morlock Night by K W Jeter
    24. Teaching and Fantasy Literature: Taking the SAT? Montag to the Rescue!
    25. Weird Western on Demand: The White Buffalo
    26. Weird of Oz revisits Fighting Fantasy
    27. New Treasures: Gygax Magazine, Issue 1
    28. New Treasures: Enter the Wolf, Vampire Earth Volume 1
    29. Caitlin R. Kiernan and Kiini Ibura Salaam, Joint Recipients of the 2012 Tiptree Award
    30. Red Sonja 14


    31. The Best One-Sentence Reviews of Manly Wade Wellman: The Winners of The Complete John Thunstone Contest
    32. Tell Us About Your Ideal Fantasy Hero, and Win a Copy of Writing Fantasy Heroes
    33. Unearthed Adventures: Announcing the Winners of the Best One-Paragraph D&D Adventures
    34. Amazing Stories, August 1964: A Retro Review
    35. Tomb of Horrors gets a Fourth Edition Makeover
    36. Adventure on film: The Naked Prey
    37. Teaching and Fantasy Literature: Heroic Struggle and the Taxonomy of Meanies
    38. Galaxy Science Fiction, December 1950: A Retro Review
    39. New Treasures: The Merriest Knight, The Collected Arthurian Tales of Theodore Goodridge Roberts
    40. Red Sonja 13


    41. Horror or Not: Daphne du Maurier and Rebecca
    42. Stephen King pens a Sequel, 36 years Later
    43. Stick this in your pipe and smoke it
    44. The Land the Ravens Found and Naomi Mitchison
    45. The Mad Scientist’s Guide to World Domination Just $1.99 at
    46. Goth Chick News: The Best of the HHA
    47. Kissing My Axe
    48. SF Signal on Liar’s Blade: “Fafhrd-and-Grey-Mouser-style Sword and Sorcery”
    49. Fantastic, January 1965: A Retro Review
    50. New Star Trek Into Darkness Trailer features more ‘Splosions

    The Top 5o Black Gate blog posts in February are here.

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Just curious, how many posts appear on Black Gate, on average, in a month?

[…] The Top 5o Black Gate blog posts in March are here. […]

[…] that his recent collaboration with Joe Bonadonna, Waters of Darkness, has been near the top of our monthly traffic charts since we published an excerpt back in March. And just a few months ago our website editor, Michael […]

[…] popular. In fact, the announcement we made on the BG blog was the single most popular post for March 2012, and the excerpt we published quickly climbed to the #2 fiction slot for the month. For most […]

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