The Top Black Gate Posts in January
Ryan Harvey was the man to beat at Black Gate in January. He claimed three of the Top Ten articles — including our overall most popular post last month, a review of the new animated film Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters.
Bob Byrne came in at #2 with his Conan pastiche review round-up, “By Crom: Some Conans are More Equal Than Others…” Fletcher Vredenburgh took third with a look at J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Children of Húrin. Derek Kunsken’s review of Frank Herbert’s classic Dune was the fourth most popular post in January, and Fletcher rounded out the Top Five with “Why I’m Here – Part Two: Some Thoughts on Old Books and Appendix N.”
Our obituary for the great Ursula K. Le Guin was #6, followed by John DeNardo’s Definitive List of the Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of last year. Eighth was my article on vintage paperbacks, “Christmas for the Paperback Collector,” followed by Ryan’s review of Beyond the Farthest Star by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Ryan closed out the Top Ten with a piece on that Saturday morning classic, Warlords of Atlantis.
The complete list of Top Articles for January follows. Below that, I’ve also broken out the most popular overall articles, online fiction, and blog categories for the month.
The Top 50 Black Gate posts in January were:
- The Animated Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters Mostly Does Its Job
- By Crom: Some Conans are More Equal Than Others…
- Grimmer Than Grim: The Children of Húrin by J.R.R. Tolkien
- Dune: Warts and All
- Why I’m Here – Part Two: Some Thoughts on Old Books and Appendix N
- Ursula K. Le Guin, October 21, 1929 – January 22, 2018
- John DeNardo on the Definitive List of 2017’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Christmas for the Paperback Collector
- War Eternal: Beyond the Farthest Star by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Warlords of Atlantis: The Edgar Rice Burroughs Adaptation That Isn’t
- The Top Five Books I Read in 2017
- The High House by James Stoddard
- Winter Reading: The Night Land by William Hope Hodgson with an Assist from James Stoddard
- The Last Jedi: The Creature of the Lagoon Trashes the Toxic Tropes (Porg is a Verb)
- The 2018 Philip K. Dick Nominees
- Oz Goes Thrift Shopping: “This is [bleeping] Awesome!”
- Peter S. Beagle will be the Next SFWA Grand Master
- It’s A Tragedy
- Modular: Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
- Son of Tall Eagle by John R. Fultz
- Horrors, Marvels, Gods and Demons: C.L. Moore’s Tales of Northwest Smith
- Future Treasures: 95 Sci-Fi & Fantasy Books to Read in 2018
- When Science Fiction Sucks: Rich Horton on Alien Sea, by John Rackham and C.O.D. Mars, by E. C. Tubb
- Birthday Reviews: Clark Ashton Smith’s “The Maze of Maal Dweb”
- GOING BIG! Super Sized Marvel Treasury Editions
- Birthday Reviews: Philip José Farmer’s “The Rise Gotten”
- The Fellowship of the Ring and the Palantir
- Goth Chick News: The Rampaging Continues…
- Birthday Reviews: C.L. Moore’s “Lost Paradise”
- Vintage Treasures: The World Fantasy Awards, Volume One and Two
- Birthday Reviews: Nat Schachner’s “Ancestral Voices”
- Birthday Reviews: E.M. Forster’s “The Machine Stops”
- Reading 2000AD’s The ABC Warriors for the First Time
- In 500 Words or Less: From a Certain Point of View (Del Rey Books)
- Vintage Treasures: Ten Thousand Light-Years From Home by James Tiptree, Jr.
- Vintage Treasures: Dark Imaginings: A Collection of Gothic Fantasy edited by Robert H. Boyer and Kenneth J. Zahorski
- Peplum Populist: The Last Days of Pompeii (1959)
- Vintage Treasures: Barrow by John Deakins
- Goth Chick News: Pop Culture Meets Couture…
- Galaxy Science Fiction, January 1954: A Retro-Review
- The Top 50 Black Gate Posts in December
- Birthday Reviews: John Bellairs’s “The Pedant and the Shuffly”
- The B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog on the Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of 2017
- Birthday Reviews: Hayford Peirce’s “Mail Supremacy”
- Egyptian Dystopian Fiction: The Queue by Basma Abdel Aziz
- A Gentle Book about Harsh Times: The List by Patricia Forde
- Worlds of If, November 1969: A Retro-Review
- Tell Me A Story
- Robot Lilliput N.P. 5357
- Goth Chick News: Oscars Smoscars – Pass Me a Stoker Any Day…
There were plenty of older articles popular last month as well. The 25 most popular blog posts written before January were:
- Death Knight Love Story: WMA meets WTF
- Goth Chick News: Samuel L. Jackson Takes On Japanese OVA – Hold On To Your Butts…
- New Treasures: The Library of America Publishes Elmore Leonard
- “Are You Not Still Entertained?”: Gladiator’s 10-Year Oscar Anniversary
- The IX by Andrew P. Weston
- Fantasia Diary 2015, Day 5: Teana: 10000 Years Later, Crimson Whale, and The Shamer’s Daughter
- AD&D Figurines: Youth In a Box?
- My Fantasia Festival, Days 5 to 7: Cold in July, The Fatal Encounter, and Huntresses
- Eccentric in Retrospect: Helen Simpson’s The Woman on the Beast
- Solitaire Adventure with Victory Point Games
- Blowing the Doors Off the Barn: Expanding the Iron Fist Mythos
- Living it Large: How Larger Than Life Characters Work
- Haunt the House: The Music and Art of Will Houlihan
- Adventures on Stage: Fantasy Literature’s Missing Link
- The Return of the King (1980)
- Adventures In Gaming: The Temple Of the Sea Gods
- Heroic Fantasy with the Sharp Edge of Reality: The Sacred Band by Janet Morris and Chris Morris
- The Series Series: Shieldwall: Barbarians! by M. Harold Page
- Modular: Resurrecting RuneQuest: An Investigation by the Tales of the Reaching Moon Editorial Staff
- Return to Thieves World in Beyond Sanctuary: The Revised and Expanded Author’s Cut by Janet Morris
- Part Gothic, Part Sword and Sorcery, and Part Horror: Andrew P. Weston’s Hell Bound
- Battles with Blades and Bows, and Creatures Charming and Terrifying: Journeys, edited by Teresa Edgerton
- From Ancient Opar to the Moon: An Interview with Author Christopher Paul Carey
- Tribulations Herculean and Tragic: Beyond Wizardwall by Janet Morris
- Tempus Takes Manhattan: Janet and Chris Morris’ Tempus Unbound
The Top Black Gate Online Fiction features were:
- An excerpt from The Sacred Band by Janet Morris and Chris Morris
- “Seven Against Hell” by Janet Morris and Chris Morris
- Tempus Unbound, edited by Janet Morris and Chris Morris
- An excerpt from Pirates in Hell, edited by Janet Morris and Chris Morris
- “Goat-Beard the Pirate, Part 2: Evil Angel,” by Janet Morris and Chris Morris
- An excerpt from Shards of the Glass Slipper: Queen Cinder by Roy A. Mauritsen
- An excerpt from A Gathering of Ravens by Scott Oden
- An excerpt from Mouth of the Dragon by Tom Barczak
- An excerpt from Truck Stop Earth by Michael A. Armstrong
- “Stand at Duben-Geb” by Ryan Harvey
- “Nero Wolfe – Stamped for Murder” by Bob Byrne
- An excerpt from The Power of the Sapphire Wand by Erika M Szabo and Joe Bonadonna
- “The Sorrowless Thief” by Ryan Harvey
- “Seeker of Fortune” by David Evan Harris
- An excerpt from “Night of Two Moons” by David B. Coe
- “Niola’s Last Stand” by Vera Nazarian
- “Disciple” by Emily Mah
- An excerpt from Three Ghosts in a Black Pumpkin by Erika M Szabo and Joe Bonadonna
- “The Highwater Harbor,” by Aaron Bradford Starr
- An excerpt from “The Mudslinger” by David Evan Harris
- An excerpt from The Black Fire Concerto by Mike Allen
- “Disciple” by Emily Mah
- “Vestments of Pestilence” by John C. Hocking
- Fiction Excerpt: “Tumithak of the Corridors” by Charles R. Tanner
- The first chapter of The Wreck of the Marissa by M Harold Page
- “Tsathoggua” by Michael Shea
- “Iron Joan” by ElizaBeth Gilligan
- “A Princess of Jadh” by Gregory Bierly
- “The Trade” by Mark Rigney
- “The Cremator’s Tale” by Steven H Silver
The top categories last month were:
- Editor’s Blog
- Books
- Blog Entry
- Art of the Genre
- Art
- Comics
- BG Staff
- Conan
- Black Gate Goes to Summer Movies
- Contest
- Convention Report
- Vintage Treasures
- Discovering Robert E. Howard
- Reviews
- Pulp
- Game Reviews
- Essays
- Magazines
- New Treasures
- Reviews of Black Gate
- Future Treasures
- Uncategorized
- Role Playing Games
- Interviews
- Fashion
The Top 50 Black Gate blog posts in December are here, and you can see all 102 posts we made in the month of January here.
I’m noticing a pattern when I write about Godzilla.
Now a post about Conan and Godzilla…
I’m frankly shocked that never happened in a Marvel comic circa 1978.
Dang it! As usual, Bob Byrne beat me to the comment. You are very quick-witted Sir Byrne. This is why you remain the master of Black Gate charts.
> Now a post about Conan and Godzilla…
I want 2,000 words by Friday.
> I’m frankly shocked that never happened in a Marvel comic circa 1978.
I’m pretty sure it DID…. we just haven’t looked hard enough!
Back in high school, I started an Elric pastiche where Holmes was summoned to aid Elric. The quest required a champion of law and a champion of chaos. I think I had the Warrior in Jet and Gold in there for the balance.
Hmm…What story could put together Conan and a Sherlock Holmes-ish priest of Mitra?
How about Conan and Godzilla meet Lincoln’s doctor’s dog?
Conan and Detective Conan meet Arthur Conan Doyle.
Conan & Godzilla:
Hmmmm….I’m thinking back over my read of the entire run of Marvel Godzilla comics a couple years back. Nick Fury and agents of SHIELD, Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, Thor and some other members of the Avengers all made appearances, but no beloved brawny Cimmerian.
Interesting, when you come to think of it: Usually when Marvel had a license they went crossover crazy: G.I. Joe Vs. Transformers, anyone? But they always kept Conan pretty sealed off in his own world.
> But they always kept Conan pretty sealed off in his own world.
Except when they didn’t.
> How about Conan and Godzilla meet Lincoln’s doctor’s dog?
Have to admit… I had to turn to Google to understand that one!
I think this came out late last year?

I’ve you’re interested in the Conan/Wonder Woman crossover I would buy it sooner than later.
The Conan listener isn’t going back to marvel at the start of 2019. I doubt this one will be available in any format after that.
That’s what I get for replying on a phone.
Glenn — I bought a copy of the first issue when my local comic shop had a sale, but I haven’t tried it yet.