The Top 50 Black Gate Blog Posts in March
I think we’ve finally deciphered what it is that Black Gate readers truly want: great fantasy novels, with lots of action and an enchanting cast of characters.
And pirates.
That would certainly explain how the brief announcement of David C. Smith and Joe Bonadonna’s first collaboration, Waters of Darkness, vaulted to the top of our traffic stats and stayed there for the entire month of March — edging out Emily Mah’s Ellen Datlow interview, Sean McLachlan’s examination of one of the greatest miniature battles of history, Violette Malan’s look at swearing in fantasy, and Matha Well’s thoughtful look at how her novel The Clouds Roads fits the Sword & Sorcery sub-genre.
There are plenty of surprises — and lots of great reading — in the Top 50 Black Gate posts in March. The complete list follows. Enjoy — and stay tuned for more posts about pirates. We know a good thing when we see one.
- Damnation Books releases Waters of Darkness by David C. Smith and Joe Bonadonna
- Ellen Datlow on Hating one of my Questions…
- The Battle of the Three Kings, 1578, in Miniature
- My Characters Don’t give a Damn
- How well does The Cloud Roads fit as Sword and Sorcery?
- Sorry, can you say that again?
- Adventure on Film: Why Hollywood gets it Wrong
- Weird of Oz considers Postbuffyism
- On the one year Anniversary of John Carter, Let’s Look Forward to a New Tarzan Movie
- The battle of Tondibi, 1591, in Miniature