Winter 2013 Issue of Subterranean Magazine now Available
I enjoy doing these magazine updates. They keep me on top of the latest and greatest in genre short fiction and I can pretend I’m doing work.
Subterranean‘s 25th issue continues with the new policy of posting the complete contents online all at once, rather than in a weekly rolling format. This is the special Walter Jon Williams issue, with a brand new novella and a classic reprint, “Surfacing” — which I read years ago in a Dozois Best of the Year anthology, and had something to do with communicating with big alien whales. It’s cool, you should check it out.
Here’s the complete table of contents:
- “Raptors,” by Conrad Williams (11,500 word novelette)
- “Hard Silver,” by Steven R. Boyett (12,000 word novelette)
- “The Boolean Gate,” by Walter Jon Williams (32,000 word novella)
- “Surfacing,” by Walter Jon Williams (21,000 word novella, reprint)
Subterranean Press recently announced the deluxe edition of Robin Hobb’s lengthy new novella, The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince, two collections by Harlan Ellison, and the on-sale date for the signed limited edition of Stephen King’s The Shining. Get all the news at their website.
Subterranean is edited by William Schafer and published quarterly. The Winter 2013 issue is completely free and available here; see their complete back issue catalog here. We last covered Subterranean magazine with their previous issue, Fall 2012.