Through Mordor to the Unreal City: A National Poetry Month Post
Today, for a little while, I remove my monster mask (sort of) and don my Purple Hat of Poetry.
Over at my new homepage, I’ve been sharing some of my poetry stock in honor of National Poetry Month. I started with a poem of mine called “Phase Shift,” that’s half upside down, and recently paired with an awesome space vortex illustration.
Now, because I can, I’m taking a series of poems gathered in my 2008 collection The Journey to Kailash and I’m running them, with accompanying audio readings, one a day on my new WordPress blog until the end of the month.
The Enchantress of the Black Gate, on learning I was doing this, asked me to write a blog entry on Poetry and Fantasy.
“Wow, that’s an immense topic,” I replied.

“Write it about your own relationship to it,” she said.
Okay, that I can do.
True statement: I discovered poetry through heroic fantasy.
I had no idea at the time, of course, what a curious path this would lead me down.