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Tag: Cronus

A to Z Review: “Cronus,” by Marianne Puxley

A to Z Review: “Cronus,” by Marianne Puxley

A to Z Reviews

Just as Avis Pabel only published one science fiction story, so, too, did Marianne Puxley. Puxley’s only sf short story, “Cronus,” appeared in the May 1989 issue of Interzone.

Rhea and Tyrrell area married and expecting a baby in a rather amorphous future. Tyrrell sees Rhea’s pregnancy as a chance to move into a Community called Cronus, which he sees as a beneficial place to live, safe from the “baneful Greenwomen” who are presented as some sort of bogeyman living outside the safe communities. Rhea isn’t sure it is the right choice, but eventually agrees.

Life for Rhea in the Community is anything but idyllic. She dislikes the regimentation and finds that being a woman means she is a second class citizen, expected to be a housekeeper and to take care of her husband who does useful work for the Community. Most of the women belong to the Wives’ Federation, but Rhea refuses to join, seeing it as a step toward giving permission to have her individuality taken from her.

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