Search Results for: New Edge Sword

Fiction Excerpt: “Reflections”

By Martha Wells Illustrated by Storn Cook from Black Gate 10, copyright © 2007 by New Epoch Press. All rights Reserved. Crouching on the rocky flat above the streambed, Ilias studied the sandy gravel below for tracks. “I wish this idiot would just give up so we could kill him and go home,” he said in irritation. “He’s not that smart,” Giliead replied, sounding weary. He stood above Ilias on an outcrop, surveying the narrow valley where it wound down…

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Fiction Excerpt: “The Mudslinger”

By David Evan Harris Illustrated by Mark Evans from Black Gate 11, copyright © 2007 by New Epoch Press. All rights Reserved. Dredge wished desperately for courage, to be like the Prince, riding regally and calmly at the head of his army, or Rheys, sweeping from one end of the column to the other, encouraging and exhorting his men, or Bord, riding alone into the darkness, or the Oracle, who rode as confidently and serenely as though a picnic awaited…

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Fiction Excerpt: “The Lawless Hours”

By James Enge Illustrated by Chuck Lukacs from Black Gate 11, copyright © 2007 by New Epoch Press. All rights Reserved. I will not live three hundred years. I’ll be dead before I’m eighty and, if I’m not, I’ll wish I were. The Strange Gods of the Coranians never knew my name, and I don’t know theirs. I’m not a Coranian Knight — I’m not a Coranian anything, but especially not a knight. I’m sick of that mistake. People see…

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Fiction Excerpt: “Seijin’s Enlightenment”

By William John Watkins Illustrated by Matt Hughes from Black Gate 9, copyright © 2005 by New Epoch Press. All rights Reserved. Senjin had a good deal of blood on his hands when he walked the road between Edo and Gojin. The blood did not bother him, because it was Samurai blood, honestly gotten at the risk of his own, and he was on his way to spill more blood in Gojin. The Champion of the Lord of Gojin was…

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Fiction Excerpt: “Pets”

By Adam J. Thaxton Illustrated by Bernie Mireault from Black Gate 9, copyright © 2005 by New Epoch Press. All rights Reserved. Mickey had a walking fish. I was there when he found it. I was eleven that summer in the house in Charnra. I remember because I had my dad put marks on the wall each year to measure my height, and it was the eleventh mark that opened that year. We were down at the paddy, the clouds…

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Fiction Excerpt: “The Nursemaid’s Suitor”

By Charles Coleman Finlay Illustrated by Denis Rodier from Black Gate 8, copyright © 2005 by New Epoch Press. All rights Reserved. Three of them crowded into a corridor so dark they could barely see where they were going. While Yvon double-checked the rope’s knot with his fingers, the nursemaid rocked the drugged infant in her arms, murmuring, “Poor baby, poor, poor baby.” Yvon tugged on the rope to make sure it held fast to the post. Picking up the…

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Fiction Excerpt: “The Hand That Binds”

By Michael Livingston Illustrated by Matt Hughes from Black Gate 9, copyright © 2005 by New Epoch Press. All rights Reserved. Heorot was a buzzing hive of noise and activity when Widsith arrived. Hrothgar had ordered a feast set for his guests, and the community had gathered together under the leaking timbers to join in the celebration. The king’s entire household was assembled along the benches lining the back of the hall, and Hrothgar himself sat on his time-beaten throne…

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Fiction Excerpt: “The Carrion Call”

By Paul Finch Illustrated by Bernie Mireault from Black Gate 8, copyright © 2005 by New Epoch Press. All rights Reserved. It was late autumn and the weather had turned bitter, when King Athelstan and his army arrived outside Earl Ethelwulf’s longhall. Ethelwulf of Urs, a veteran of many wars and a winner of renown during Edward the Elder’s hard campaigns at Tempsford and Derby, received his overlord informally, clad in a baggy tunic of old burel, and leather cross-strapped…

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Special Fiction Feature: “The Poison Well”

By Judith Berman Illustrated by Denis Rodier This is a Special Presentation of a complete work of fiction which originally appeared in Black Gate 7. It appears with the permission of Judith Berman and New Epoch Press, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part. All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 by New Epoch Press. Manvayar waited impatiently while Seppan’s mare plodded up the rise. At last Seppan reached the crossroads, and together they gazed down the lane that…

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Fiction Excerpt: “Tumithak in Shawm”

By Charles R. Tanner Illustrated by Denis Rodier from Black Gate 6, originally published in Amazing Stories, June 1933. Copyright © 1933 by Teck Publishing Corporation. Original illustrations by Leo Morey. “Tumitahk in Shawm” is the sequel to “Tumithak of the Corridors” reprinted in Black Gate 5. The Approach to the Surface They came to the narrow flight of stairs, ascended it, and saw in the distance the opening that was the entrance to the Surface. But to Tumithak’s surprise,…

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