Search Results for: chizine

New Treasures: The Inner City by Karen Heuler

I’ve started ordering more from Barnes & Noble’s online store. Not that I’ve been unhappy with Amazon, but I wanted to try out the competition, and so far I’ve been pleased with the service. The first book I ordered was the seventh volume of the collected Atomic Robo, Flying She-Devils of the Pacific. At some point while browsing their online store, they recommended an odd little volume to me: Karen Heuler’s The Inner City, a collection of fantasy short stories….

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Ellen Datlow on Hating One of My Questions, a Brief History of Science Fiction Publishing, and What Kind of Short Fiction Writers She’s Looking For: An Audio Interview

Ellen Datlow is one of the most award-winning, if not the most award-winning, editors in science fiction and fantasy. To date, she has won four Hugos, three Bram Stoker Awards, nine World Fantasy Awards, two International Horror Guild Awards, two Shirley Jackson Awards, and five Locus Awards. Regular readers of Black Gate will remember her brief interview calling for backers for a Kickstarter Campaign, and readers delivered in a big way. Her campaign was funded and even reached a stretch…

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The Top 50 Black Gate Blog Posts in January

We broke another traffic record in January. Don’t you people have better things to do? Seriously, we’re glad you’re here, but you’re starting to look a bit pale. Think about taking your laptop out to the patio maybe, get some sun. January was a busy time for us. Emily Mah trumpeted an ultimately successful Kickstarter campaign for the Chizine horror anthology Fearful Symmetries, Scott Taylor talked about selling sex, we took a peek at the paperback release of Throne of…

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World Fantasy Award Nominations Announced

The nominations for the 2012 World Fantasy Awards have been announced. They are: Novel Those Across the River, Christopher Buehlman (Ace) 11/22/63, Stephen King (Scribner) A Dance with Dragons, George R.R. Martin (Bantam) Osama, Lavie Tidhar (PS Publishing) Among Others, Jo Walton (Tor) Novella “Near Zennor”, Elizabeth Hand (A Book of Horrors) “A Small Price to Pay for Birdsong”, K.J. Parker (Subterranean, Winter 2011) “Alice Through the Plastic Sheet”, Robert Shearman (A Book of Horrors) “Rose Street Attractors”, Lucius Shepard…

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The Steel Seraglio: a Review

The Steel Seraglio Mike, Linda, and Louise Carey ChiZine Publications (424 pp, $15.95 US/$17.95 CAD, trade paperback) Reviewed by Matthew Surridge The Steel Seraglio is a fantasy novel by husband/wife/daughter trio Mike, Linda, and Louise Carey, put out by ChiZine Publications. There’s also a chapbook set in the same world (which you might be able to get if you order the book directly from ChiZine). It’s a story set in a pseudo-historical Arabia, in a desert of city-states ruled by…

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Convention Report: Ad Astra 2012

Last weekend I went to Toronto to attend the Ad Astra science fiction and fantasy convention. It was the third convention I’ve been to in my life. I learned a fair bit. To start with, I learned a bit about the thriving Toronto sf scene. Toronto’s a huge city, both geographically and in terms of population; over six million people live in the Greater Toronto Area, and over eight and a half in the ‘golden horseshoe’ region around the western…

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An Interview With Claude Lalumière, Part Two

Here’s Part Two of my interview with writer, critic, and editor Claude Lalumière. You can find Part One here. This time around, we discuss Claude’s influences, his work as an anthologist, his criticism, and his process as a writer. My great thanks to Claude for his generosity, thoughtfulness, and candor. An Interview with Claude Lalumière, Part Two Conducted and Transcribed by Matthew David Surridge Your fiction shows the powerful influence of a number of different writers, and the fusion of…

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An Interview with Claude Lalumière, Part One

Claude Lalumière‘s involvement with fantastika has taken many forms. He’s been a retailer, an editor of anthologies, and a critic. But lately he’s become best known for his fiction. Claude’s writing is most often a surreal and precise blending of fantasy, horror, science fiction, superhero adventure, and any other genre that seems handy and to the point. His first collection, Objects of Worship, was published by ChiZine Publications two years ago; now a new set of linked short stories, The…

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“Hey Look, It’s Joe Haldeman!”: A First-Time Convention-Goer Looks at World Fantasy 2010

I had never attended a major speculative fiction convention until this year. And the World Fantasy Convention is a huge one for a first-timer to go diving into. It’s an especially scary dive if you’re someone like me, who is only starting to emerge from the years of amateur writing into some level of the professional. I’ve won a major writing award, have some stories that will soon be published, and even have an agent and a novel making the…

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