Search Results for: chizine

Future Treasures: Aickman’s Heirs, edited by Simon Strantzas

I admit that I’d never heard of Undertow books before March of this year, when they announced they’d be publishing the first volume of a new Year’s Best collection, Year’s Best Weird Fiction, edited by Laird Barron. I’ve heard about them a great deal in the last few months, however. While I was at the World Fantasy Convention in November, I heard a lot of good things about their annual journal of the fantastic, Shadows & Tall Trees, edited by Michael Kelly;…

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New Treasures: Gifts for the One Who Comes After by Helen Marshall

Recently I’ve talked at length (or “droned on and on,” as a few friendly readers have commented) about wandering through the Dealer’s Room at the World Fantasy Convention and discovering the splendid books produced by many of the most dynamic and exciting small press publishers in the industry, including  Valancourt, Hippocampus Press, Chizine, Prime Books, Taychon Press, and many more. Of course, the Dealer’s Room isn’t the only way to discover fabulous new titles. Another is to talk to your fellow attendees…

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New Treasures: Haxan by Kenneth Mark Hoover

I’ve written a few times now about the terrific finds I made in the Dealers Room at the World Fantasy Convention. I know I’m probably starting to sound like a broken record, but when you have the opportunity to sample the very best new books from the most dynamic and exciting independent publishers in the industry, the need to share is pretty strong. So you’ll have to bear with me a bit until I get this out of my system….

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Bringing Neglected Classics Back Into Print: The Horror Catalog of Valancourt Books

One of the many delights of the World Fantasy Convention, as I reported last week, is meeting the small publishers doing marvelous work in the industry. Seeing their catalogs of books spread out before you on a table in the Dealers Room can be quite a revelation. That was certainly the case with Valancourt Books. As they proclaim proudly on their website, Valancourt Books is an independent small press specializing in the rediscovery of rare, neglected, and out-of-print fiction. They have…

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Selling Short Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror Fiction, Part III: Reprints

This is the third of three posts about selling short fiction. We’ve talked about how to know how to fit your story into the ecosystem of short fiction markets and what the business side (contracts, rights, etc) look like. This one is about reprints. Other than the rule of never selling your copyright or paying to have your short fiction published, the big strategic rule to keep in mind when selling fiction is: reprint rights are usually far less valuable…

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New Treasures: We Are All Completely Fine by Daryl Gregory

Well, I’m back from the 2014 World Fantasy Convention and I had a terrific time. Matthew Wuertz did a fine job with his daily convention reports… just don’t ask me where he found the time to write them. It certainly looks like he had fun, anyway, what with all the sight-seeing, panels, autograph sessions, readings, and whatnot. Me, I headed right for the Dealer’s Room, where I spent four days ogling books. And what marvelous books! You’d think that running…

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A New Literary Fantasy Magazine: A Review of Lackington’s #1

I live in Ottawa, Canada and despite being up to my eyeballs in the sci-fi and fantasy and geek scenes, I’m still caught flat-footed by the talent this city seems to pack in the woodwork. I’ve blogged previously about our science fiction publisher Bundoran Press, our indie comic publisher Mirror Comics, and a couple of our writers like Geoff Gander, module-writer extraordinaire, and novelist Robin Riopelle. This week, I was surprised by editor Ranylt Richildis, who, apparently not content with…

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Future Treasures: Year’s Best Weird Fiction, Volume One, edited by Laird Barron

There’s lots of great news in this post. So grab some coffee, find a seat, and pay attention. A few months back, the folks at Undertow Publications, an imprint of the fabulous ChiZine, launched an Indiegogo funding campaign for a brand new anthology of weird fiction: Year’s Best Weird Fiction. The campaign wrapped up in September and was a rousing success. (Good news!) In fact, it was successful enough that the anthology is planned to be an annual affair. (Good news!) And…

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Voices in Fantasy Literature, Part II

I sometimes give writing workshops in the Ottawa area and mentor local writers. One piece of advice that I feel comes off as a broken record is that there is *so much* good short fiction out there, for readers to taste and for writers to learn from. Not everyone is into short fiction. My formative reading experiences were novels and comic books, two media that lend themselves to very long arcs with exploratory digressions. Only after largely failing at two…

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The 2013 World Fantasy Awards Ballot

The 2013 World Fantasy Awards Ballot, compiled by the voting attendees of the World Fantasy Convention, has just been released. The coveted Life Achievement Award is being given to two recipients for the first time (I think). Susan Cooper (author of The Dark is Rising sequence) and Tanith Lee (author of The Silver Metal Lover, The Secret Books of Paradys, and dozens of others) are both masters of the genre. They will receive the award on November 3 in Brighton,…

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