Search Results for: New Edge Sword

One Last Time into the Primal Land: Sorcery in Shad by Brian Lumley

All good things must come to an end. I get that, and as I’ve gotten older I appreciate that more than ever. However, they do not all have to end badly. Sometimes, though, as with Brian Lumley’s Primal Lands stories, they do. Despite some rough-hewn edges and some too-purple prose, I completely enjoyed the first two collections in the series, The House of Cthulhu and Tarra Khash: Hrossak! (follow the links to my Black Gate reviews). I looked forward to the culmination…

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Into the Mystic: The Mask of the Sorcerer by Darrell Schweitzer

I read a lot of fantasy — most of it older works — and yet Darrell Schweitzer’s mesmerizing The Mask of the Sorcerer (1995) had escaped my attention until fairly recently. Around the time I reviewed another of Schweitzer’s books, Echoes of the Goddess (2013), John Fultz told me that if I was looking for something really wild, Mask was where to go, so I bought it. And for two years it sat there on the virtual TBR stack. When John…

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The Top 50 Black Gate Posts in September

The most widely-read article last month — by a wide margin — was Bob Byrne’s look at classic role playing, “Why I Went Old School — or Swords & Wizardry vs. Pathfinder.” In fact, Bob’s piece is the most popular feature we’ve had at Black Gate all year (with the exception of our May announcement that we declined a Hugo nomination). He’s posted three recent updates to it so far, re-capping his group’s exploits in Matt Finch’s Hall of Bones adventure module, so check…

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Distinctive Visions of Earth After Climate Change: Drowned Worlds, edited by Jonathan Strahan

Reading reviews frequently helps heighten my anticipation for a book. That’s certainly the case with Jonathan Strahan’s acclaimed new anthology Drowned Worlds, a collection of SF tales which looks at the future of Earth after the full effects of climate change. The book includes all-new fiction from Ken Liu, Kim Stanley Robinson, Christopher Rowe, Kathleen Ann Goonan, Charlie Jane Anders, Jeffrey Ford, Rachel Swirsky, Lavie Tidhar, Catherynne M. Valente, and many others. It’s been getting some terrific reviews, from places like,…

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Black Gate Online Fiction: “Queen of Toads”

By Joe Bonadonna This is a complete work of fiction presented by Black Gate magazine. It appears with the permission of Joe Bonadonna, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part. All rights reserved. Copyright 2013 by Joe Bonadonna. Caution: Adult content. But when the Night had thrown her pall Upon that spot, as upon all, And the mystic wind went by Murmuring in melody– Then–ah then I would awake To the terror of the lone lake. — …

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The October Fantasy Magazine Rack

We added two new magazines to our regular coverage this month: Skelos, the Journal of Weird Fiction and Dark Fantasy, edited by Mark Finn, Chris Gruber, and Jeffrey Shanks, and Postscripts, edited by Nick Gevers, which is more of a regular anthology series, but it publishes short fiction and has numbered issues, so what the hell. Welcome aboard. We also have lots of interest for vintage fiction fans, including retro reviews by Rich Horton and Matthew Wuertz of the July 1953 issue…

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September Short Story Roundup

We’re still in the midst of a swords & sorcery renaissance that started around a decade ago, and now there’s a broader pulp one going on as well. Between the first issue of Skelos and the third of Cirsova, September saw a hurricane of short stories involving swords, wizards, warriors, pirates, and space pirates. Good times ahead! At least that’s my hope. I first became aware of Skelos‘ then-impending existence with a flurry of internet activity announcing a Kickstarter this…

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The Top 50 Black Gate Posts in August

Following on our record 1.26 million page views in July, Black Gate had an even more incredible August. There were lots of small triumphs, but the big one was receiving an Alfie Award from George R.R. Martin at Worldcon (at right). In his blog post explaining this year’s awards, George wrote: One of my special ‘committee awards’ went to Black Gate, which had 461 nominations in the Fanzine category, second among all nominees and good for a place on the…

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Return to Enoch: The King of Nightspore’s Crown by Raphael Ordoñez

“Answers, he wants! Do you really think you can just go out and find the whole story somewhere, complete and cross-referenced, without any gaps or inconsistencies? I’m sorry to disillusion you, my boy, but that’s not the sort of world we live in. It’s a messy place. There are no infallible interpreters walking among the living, no emissaries sent from the blessed realm to dole out bits of lore that move history along and need never be questioned.” Astyges speaking…

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The September Fantasy Magazine Rack

I’ve been relying more and more on Charles Payseur’s Quick Sip Reviews to point me towards the fiction that will interest me each month. Charles doesn’t just tell me why he enjoys each story… he gives me enough detail to let me know which stories will grab my attention right out of the gate. Here he is on Rich Larson’s 12,000-word novelette “The Green Man Cometh” in the latest issue of Clarkesworld, for example. This is a rather thrilling story…

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