Search Results for: New Edge Sword

Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, November 1969: A Retro-Review

This is Part 5 of a Decadal Review of vintage science fiction magazines published in November 1969. The previous articles are: Amazing Stories, November 1969 Galaxy Science Fiction, November 1969 The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, November 1969 Worlds of If, November 1969 So, one cannot be an SFF fan without hearing a few unsettling things about the greats of the genres. John Campbell is one of those greats, but I’ve heard that he got a little nutty toward the…

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Hugo Nomination Thoughts, 2018

Time for my annual post on what I’m thinking about for Hugo nominations. As ever, I’ll caution that I have read a lot of short fiction, but that I am less up on the other categories. I have seen a fair quantity of movies, too, however. Let me reiterate something I said last year – though I participate with a lot of enjoyment in Hugo nomination and voting every year, I am philosophically convinced that there is no such thing…

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The February Fantasy Magazine Rack

My favorite read so far this month has been the annual Year in Review issue of Locus, which contains detailed round-ups of the best fiction of 2017 from Gary K. Wolfe, Paul Kincaid, Geoff Ryman, Gardner Dozois, and many others. For those who (like me) didn’t get nearly as much read last year as you might’ve liked, it’s an irreplaceable guide to the novels, collections and stories worth your time last year. We also added SFX‘s March Books Issue to…

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The Top Black Gate Posts in January

Ryan Harvey was the man to beat at Black Gate in January. He claimed three of the Top Ten articles — including our overall most popular post last month, a review of the new animated film Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters. Bob Byrne came in at #2 with his Conan pastiche review round-up, “By Crom: Some Conans are More Equal Than Others…” Fletcher Vredenburgh took third with a look at J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Children of Húrin. Derek Kunsken’s review of…

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The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander

Bear with me for a bit. With the death of Ursula K. Le Guin a few weeks ago, I began thinking about her Earthsea books. They were among the earliest non-Tolkien fantasy books I read. I loved them as a kid, I’ve read them three or four times since, and have fond memories of them. I’ll be looking at the first, A Wizard of Earthsea, next time. Thinking about those books got me thinking about a series I actually read even more…

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Vintage Treasures: Solomon Kane 1: Skulls in the Stars by Robert E. Howard

I’m treading a little on Bob Byrne’s territory with this lengthy post, so I hope he’ll forgive me. The first Robert E. Howard character I discovered wasn’t Conan, but Solomon Kane. The story was “Skulls in the Stars,” originally published in the January 1929 issue of Weird Tales, and which I read in the 1969 Centaur Press collection The Moon of Skulls. Kane is about to cross a great moor when a lad from the village he’s just left races up behind him,…

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February Short Story Roundup

Just a little to report from this past month’s excursion into the realm of short heroic fantasy. First, there’s the best issue in some time of Swords and Sorcery Magazine. Second, issue #14 of Grimdark Magazine. While the latter is loaded with good non-fiction articles, there’s only a single, albeit 15,000-word-long, story. Swords and Sorcery Magazine rarely falls below good, but less often rises to great. I suspect it’s the nature of a magazine that only is able to pay…

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Birthday Reviews: Alex Bledsoe’s “Shall We Gather”

Alex Bledsoe was born on February 3, 1963. His story “The Big Finish” appeared in the June 1998 issue of Crossroads and his first novel, The Sword-Edged Blonde, which kicked off the Eddie LaCrosse series, was published in 2007. To date, the series includes five novels and a short story. He co-wrote the novel Sword Sisters with Tara Cardinal. “Shall We Gather” was purchased by Paul Stevens for, appearing on May 14, 2013. At the same time, it was released…

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The Late January Fantasy Magazine Rack

I think my favorite read so far this month has been Alter Ego #150, the special 100-page Stan Lee issue, with a rare interview with Stan the Man conducted in the 1980s, a look at Stan’s non-Marvel work, and tons more. The January fiction mags feature stories by Nisi Shawl, Nick Mamatas, Adam-Troy Castro, Sarah Pinsker, Laurie Tom, David Afsharirad, Patricia Russo, and many others. Here’s the complete list of magazines that won my attention in late January (links will bring you to…

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Son of Tall Eagle by John R. Fultz

The tree was a god with a thousand arms. Crawling on its skin I was less than an ant. I had come to the khaba forest to hunt the Ghost Serpent. For six days I tracked it across the high realm of branch and leaf. I followed it past the ruined wrecks of Opyd nests and skeletal remnants of its former victims. I watched it stalk and devour a wounded jaguar, swallowing the carcass whole. Eventually I followed the great…

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