Search Results for: janet e. morris

Black Gate Online Fiction: Pirates in Hell, edited by Janet Morris and Chris Morris

Black Gate is very pleased to offer our readers an exclusive excerpt from Pirates in Hell, the newest anthology from Janet & Chris Morris. “Goat-Beard the Pirate, Part 2: Evil Angel” is a 4,000-word free-standing excerpt from a 3-part tale. It is written by Janet Morris and Chris Morris. Rearing high above the combers, it towered, a tidal beast that arched itself, then plunged upon the Argo, swallowing ship and sailors whole. One baleful orb of blackest ice blinked like an…

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Vintage Treasures: The Silistra Quartet by Janet Morris

In the last few weeks I’ve touched on a few tales of modern writers who didn’t make it — or at least, fantasy series that never got off the ground, and died after one or two hardcover releases without even a paperback edition. To switch things up a bit, today I thought I’d look at one of the most successful fantasy debuts of all time, a series that became a huge international hit with its first release, launching the career of…

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The Perfect Prescription for Perdition: Doctors in Hell, edited by Janet Morris and Chris Morris

Doctors in Hell Heroes in Hell, Volume 18 Edited by Janet Morris and Chris Morris Perseid Press (336 pages, $19.98 in trade paperback, $7.92 digital, June 23, 2015) Cover: Pandemonium, John Martin (1789-1854), circa 1841, oil on canvas, from private collection. Cover design by Sonja Aghabekian Be careful to preserve your health. It is a trick of the devil, which he employs to deceive good souls, to incite them to do more than they are able, in order that they…

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Heroika 1: Dragon Eaters edited by Janet Morris

For the past several months I kept seeing notices for the coming release of Heroika 1: Dragon Eaters. Edited by Janet Morris, one of the true heavies in heroic fantasy, and someone I have known online for several years now, I knew this was a book I was going to be reading. That its table of contents included several writers I’m a big fan of as well as many whose names I’m starting to hear good things about made it…

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I, The Sun by Janet Morris

I, The Sun By Janet Morris Perseid Press (534 pages, October 27, 2014, $26.95 in trade paperback) Cover art: The Seal of Suppiluliumas This masterpiece of historical fiction was based on the actual writings and historical records of Suppiluliumas I, the great Hittite king who dominated the Middle East around the 14th century, BC. He rebuilt the old capital of Hattusas, and from there exercised his Imperial Power over the Hittite heartland, controlling the lands between the Mediterranean and Euphrates….

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A Mining Colony, a Blind Date, and a Ghostly Alien Hand: Outpassage by Janet Morris & Chris Morris

Outpassage By Janet Morris & Chris Morris Perseid Press (430 pages, February 10, 2014, $24.95 trade paperback/$6.99 digital) Cover by Vincent Di Fate You only live once. That is not only the theme of this excellent science fiction novel — it is also at the very heart of the novel’s story premise. Once again, I continue with my reviews of my favorite novels by Janet Morris and Chris Morris. But how I ever missed Outpassage when it was first published…

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Black Gate Online Fiction: “Seven Against Hell” by Janet Morris and Chris Morris

Black Gate is very pleased to offer our readers the complete short story “Seven Against Hell” by Janet Morris and Chris Morris, an exclusive sample from the new collection Poets in Hell. In hell, souls sometimes roam diverse underworlds, straying from their native realms. The ancient Old Dead have many judges and gods of hell; the New Dead have few. In hell, if you die you are reborn on the Undertaker’s table, perhaps old or young, forgetful or deformed, to…

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Love in War and Realms Beyond Imagining: The Fish, the Fighters and the Song Girl by Janet Morris and Chris Morris

“Your commander reaches for yonder stars and gods do eye him. And there are more Fates in the wide worlds of men than those whom he has aided.” – from The Fish, the Fighters and the Song Girl. The Fish, the Fighters and the Song Girl Janet Morris and Chris Morris Revised Author’s Cut, published by Perseid Press (386 pages, May 24, 2012, $24.95) Cover art: Peter Paul Rubens, “The Consequences of War” (detail), 1637-1638 The team of Janet Morris…

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Tribulations Herculean and Tragic: Beyond Wizardwall by Janet Morris

Woe betide the soul who loves too much, wants too much, dares too much. I finish my reviews of the 5-star, Author’s Cut editions of Janet Morris’s classic of Homeric Heroic Fantasy, the Beyond Sanctuary Trilogy, with the third and final book, Beyond Wizardwall. This was the toughest of the three to review because there is so much that happens and so much ground to cover. This is also the most dramatic, tense and emotionally powerful of the three books….

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Caught Between Rebels and the Empire’s Blackest Magic: Beyond the Veil: The Revised and Expanded Author’s Cut by Janet Morris

I continue with my review of the 5-star, Author’s Cut editions of Janet Morris’s classic of Homeric Heroic Fantasy, the Beyond Sanctuary Trilogy, of which Beyond the Veil is the second book. Once again, she does not disappoint in this stirring novel of political and religious intrigue, dark magic, gods and men, witches and mages, and the price of love and war. This is a pivotal book in the trilogy, where foreshadowing and story threads begin to weave in and…

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