Announcing the Winners of Carter & Lovecraft
Earlier this month we invited Black Gate readers to enter to win one of two pre-release copies of Jonathan L. Howard’s new novel of Lovecraftian mystery, Carter & Lovecraft, on sale this month from Thomas Dunne Books. To enter, all you had to do was submit a one-sentence suggestion for the ideal Lovecraft team-up — and what dark horrors your dream team should investigate.
We don’t have room to present all the entries here, but we can offer up some of the better ones. The very first one we received was from Jeff Lowrey, with this remarkably concise suggestion:
Gilligan and Agent 99
The mind boggles. Next up is John T. Curtis, who reaches deep into pulp history for his suggestion:
Seabury Quinn’s character Jules de Grandin and Sax Rohmer’s character Moris Klaw should team up to investigate the disappearance of Harley Warren, as related in Lovecraft’s tale “The Statement of Randolph Carter.”
Sounds like an epic TV mini-series to me. John Burt suggests something a little more modern:
A Constantine – Lovecraft teamup, where they determine whether nicotine or depression is worse.