Goth Chick News: Stop Your Grinnin’ and Drop Your Linen – This is the Holiday Gift You’ve Been Searching For
Some years ago, a previous profession put me in gruesomely close proximity to the outcomes of even “minor” motorcycle accidents. And though I’ve since moved on to focusing on movie corpses, this is likely due to the fact that the real things are just so…well… icky.
Therefore, though I’d never tell anyone else what they should do, I for one do not saddle up my sexy little blood-red 250 without donning every bit of safety gear first. And believe it or not, this makes me terminally uncool in Illinois where we have no mandatory helmet law for motorcyclists.
You know that cute little wave we bikers are supposed to give one another to acknowledge our mutual bad-assed-ness?
Nope, me either – because unhelmeted riders do not consider me in my helmet and Kevlar in 90 degree Chicago heat to be anything close to bad-assed.
That is – until now.