Science Fiction’s Unsung Hero: SFX on Perry Rhodan
Two weeks ago I got a cryptic e-mail from the distinguished John DeNardo, founder and publisher of SF Signal. The whole thing read:
Just read David Barnett’s SFX article on Perry Rhodan, including quotes by you. Very cool!
Wait, what? When did I say stuff about the mighty Perry Rhodan? DeNardo, what are you talking about? John kindly elaborated in his next note:
It’s the Summer 2016 issue. I’m a digital subscriber. Screen caps attached.
The first of two double-page spreads John forwarded me is above. It’s a terrific full-color article from SFX magazine on Perry Rhodan, the long-running space opera, and it does indeed include a quote from me. I knew nothing about it. You know what that means. That’s right — there’s a science fiction magazine called SFX out there and I didn’t know about it. What the hell, world?