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A Decadal Review of 1989 Science Fiction Magazines: Wrap-up

A Decadal Review of 1989 Science Fiction Magazines: Wrap-up

I reviewed five science fiction magazines from mid-2021 to early 2024. Here are my overall notes and rankings.

Asimov’s Science Fiction, September 30, 2022

Edited by Gardner Dozois
Cover by Wayne Barlowe
Ranking 1st out of 5

Megan Lindholm’s (AKA Robin Hobbs) “A Touch of Lavender” and Walter Jon William’s “No Spot of Ground” really elevate this issue.

Allen Steele’s “Ride to Live, Live to Ride” was solid, and two trying-to-get-in-on-the-‘cyberpunk’-wave stories, Robert Silverberg’s “Chiprunner” and Orson Scott Card’s “Dogwalker” had a certain off-base-but-appealing vibe. 

Ronald Anthony Cross’ “The Front Page” was the only story I didn’t really like, and it was short enough that it didn’t bother me.

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Five More Things I Think: Marvel Edition

Five More Things I Think: Marvel Edition

Last week I did a Ten Things I Think I Think on the deep dive I did with seventeen Marvel movies. I watched nine more to finish off this really fun movie watch, so here are Five More Things I Think – Marvel Edition. Twenty-six movies, and Ultron was the only on I didn’t care for. That’s pretty good.

Shang Chi
Avengers Ultron
Ant Man 1
Avengers Civil War
Dr. Strange 1
Thor 3 (Ragnarok)
Spider Man: Homecoming (1)
Spider Man: Far From Home (2)
Ant Man 2 (& Wasp)


I enjoy the Ant Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy movies in large part, because of the humor. Except for the second Thor movie, that totally applies to the God of Thunder’s Marvel appearances.

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Fame – an Introvert’s Dilemma

Fame – an Introvert’s Dilemma

This is my literal nightmare.
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Good afterevenmorn!

It is a long-held convention, it seems, that writers are, by nature, introverts. From my experience, both quite personally, and with nearly everyone in my immediate professional circle, this seems to be the case. In fact, of the many writers that I know in person, only one of them is not an introvert. She is the only one who is invigorated by crowds. Others you might be excused believing are extroverts, given their bright, effusive natures, but they, too, collapse into a heap following interactions with people.

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Ten Things I Think Think: Marvel Edition

Ten Things I Think Think: Marvel Edition

At loose ends and not too keen on writing over the Labor Day holiday weekend, I decided to start a week-long Marvel deep dive. I had re-watched Guardians of the Galaxy stuff for the third one, so I set those aside. And I had watched the Logan movies not too long ago, so I skipped X-Men stuff.

With those parameters, I re-watched (with a couple first watches):

Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Endgame
Iron Man 1
Captain America: The First Avenger
Iron Man 2
The Amazing Spider Man 2 (Andrew Garfield – first watch)
Thor 1
The Avengers
Thor 2: The Dark World
Iron Man 3
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
The Fantastic Four 1
Venom (first watch)
The Fantastic Four 2: Silver Surfer
Spider-Man 1 (Toby Maguire)
Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 3

That’s a lot of Marvel And I really enjoyed the re-watch. Because I figure the world always needs more of my opinion, it’s time for another Ten Things I Think I Think – Marvel Edition. I kept watching more, and there’s a follow up to this post, here. 🙂

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A (Black) Gat in the Hand: REH’s Swords of Shahrazar

A (Black) Gat in the Hand: REH’s Swords of Shahrazar

“You’re the second guy I’ve met within hours who seems to think a gat in the hand means a world by the tail.” – Phillip Marlowe in Raymond Chandler’s The Big Sleep

(Gat — Prohibition Era term for a gun. Shortened version of Gatling Gun)

Back in 2022, I covered three different Pulp genres of Robert E. Howard. The third looked at one of my REH favorites – the Adventure Pulps. I talked about Kirby O’Donnell’s “Gold from Tartary.” You can read that here.

Howard had created El Borak as teen, and refined him years later, with “The Daughter of Erlik Khan” appearing in December of 1934. El Borak is his best-known ‘Cowboy of the East,’ and rivals Conan as my favorite REH character. But Howard found it impossible to break into the higher-paying Adventure pulps, and only four of his seven El Borak stories saw print during his lifetime. Two were published not long after his suicide, while the other two lay unpublished for decades.

Kirby O’Donnell was a similar character to El Borak, and he saw print first, with “Swords of Shahrazar in the October, 1934 issue of Top-Notch Magazine. I talked about that publication in my prior essay. Curiously, “Swords” was actually a direct sequel to “Gold from Tartary,” which appeared after “Swords,” in the January, 1935 issue of Thrilling Adventures.

“Swords” was about twice as long as “Gold,” and maybe that played into the decision to pass on it. But it certainly flows smoother to read “Gold,” then “Swords.”

I mentioned in “Gold” that Howard starts thing off FAST. Here, O’Donnell had awoken to a stealthy footstep near his room in the palace of forgotten Shahrazar. And in paragraph four, was “a great black body hurtling at him from the shadows, the gleam of a plunging knife.”

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The (New) Crow – It’s a No From Me

The (New) Crow – It’s a No From Me

Good afterevenmorn!

Well, it turns out that a new version of the film The Crow was released last week. Touted not as a remake of the 1994 gothic masterpiece, but a re-adaptation of the original graphic novel (I have my doubts), it nevertheless garnered quite negative reviews on release. As of the writing of this, it has a 20% on Rotten Tomatoes.

This was… predictable.

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What I’ve Been Listening To: August (II) 2024

What I’ve Been Listening To: August (II) 2024

I posted last week about several audiobooks I’ve been listening to. Audiobooks totally fit in with my lifestyle (to the extent I have one). I can listen to them while working, driving, writing, falling asleep, walking outside, and even watching soccer which I’m not too invested in.

I wouldn’t get to a lot of the stuff I listen to, if I had to read it. I mean, you have never heard such caterwauling as the folks in the carpool when I read a paperback while driving. Yeesh!

I re-listen to a lot of stuff. But between Audible Premium, and select library borrows through the Hoopla app, I have audiobooks going a lot of the time.

Here are some more recent listens – some repeats, some brand new to my ears.

LEAPHORN AND CHEE – Tony Hillerman

I did a rather in-depth three-part series on Tony Hillerman and his terrific police procedurals set on the Navajo reservation. I have read/listened to this series a dozen times over the years. I absolutely love it. Somewhere I’ve got some cassette tapes, read by Hillerman himself. But between DVDs and Audible, I’ve managed to get unabridged (do NOT get the abridged versions. Not nearly as good) versions of each novel, read well by George Guidall.

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Margaret Hamilton: Wicked Forever

Margaret Hamilton: Wicked Forever

She’ll get you, my pretty!

The marketing blitz for the upcoming two-part film version of the 2003 stage version of Gregory Maguire’s 1995 novel Wicked (itself a “reimagining” of L. Frank Baum’s seminal 1900 novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) has begun. Years ago, I succumbed to hype exhaustion and saw the musical; I found it mildly diverting, which hardly seemed adequate, considering the superlatives the enterprise was swathed in.

As for the movie, which stars Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba (Maguire’s name, not Baum’s, though it’s supposedly constructed out of his initials – LFB) and Ariana Grande as Glinda, so far all we have to judge it by is the trailer, and from those carefully culled three-and-a-half minutes it looks like all the stops have been pulled out in terms of lavish production values (though in a time when spectacle can be generated on a laptop, one wonders if that means anything anymore). As for the frantic media bludgeoning we’re about to experience, it’s hard to blame the producers for the incipient panic evident in such all-out campaigns; it’s not their fault that movies just don’t mean as much to people as they once did.

Nevertheless, I’m sure that when Wicked is released in November, it will be a smashing financial success and may even be an artistic one; certainly, a lot of talented people are giving it their all. Whatever the size of the film’s box office or cultural footprint, however, I suspect that not many people will still be watching it in 2109, eighty-five years from now — not coincidentally, the same gap separating 2024 from the 1939 that gave us one of the most enduring and beloved of all films, the MGM Wizard of Oz, a flawlessly-cast classic that starred Judy Garland, Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, and Frank Morgan.

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What I’ve Been Listening To: August, 2024

What I’ve Been Listening To: August, 2024

A (Black) Gat in the Hand takes another week off, as I’ve continued listening to audiobooks daily. Last month I talked about some of my Audible choices. Whether I’m working, writing, driving, or trying to fall asleep, I am often listening to an audiobook. Often it’s a repeat, so my attention doesn’t have to be focused. But also, new things I wouldn’t get to otherwise.

EGIL & NIX – Paul S. Kemp

My Dungeons & Dragons-playing middle-school self devoured Elric, and Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser; loving both series’. But while I’ve re-read the Melnibonian many times, Leiber’s series lost its appeal. I’ve tried re-reading it a couple times, and just wasn’t into it.

I did enjoy, however, the first two of three Egil & Nix novels by Paul Kemp. These are absolutely an homage to Leiber’s duo. Anyone who likes Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser should really enjoy this pair. The constant non-swearing swearing (shite, farkin) is tiresome, but some authors seem to think it’s useful. Whatever.

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It’s Only a Matter of Time

It’s Only a Matter of Time

The human mind daydreams its way around certain specific topics with exceptional regularity. We fret about personal security, we hope for love (in its innumerable forms), and to round out the likely top three, we focus on death. This last in particular invites a speculative element: we can hardly help fantasizing about an extended or perhaps immortal life span.

But not far down the list comes the earnest desire to travel in time. Backward, forward, sidelong –– “over, under, sideways, down” –– any shift in our current path will do. We want to zip back in time to visit places now impossible to see, or connect with loved ones we’ve lost. We want to zoom forward to get a preview of what is to come.

The urge is powerful, atavistic. It’s as if our very cells, so prone to decay (a driving force of time as we experience it), insist that here lies a field that demands investigation.

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