Reading Leigh Grossman’s Sense of Wonder, the Longest Science Fiction Anthology Ever

Having just finished reading arguably the longest anthology of science fiction, I’ve written down some notes and thoughts.
TL;DR It’s an insanely long book, worth buying but not necessarily reading cover-to-cover.
About the Book
Sense of Wonder: A Century of Science Fiction, edited by Leigh Grossman, is a massive single-volume anthology of science-fiction. Don’t be fooled by the 992 print pages because that is with a tiny font. I read the Kindle version for which Amazon gives an average reading time of 140 hours. That is about 5 times as long as Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson (itself a 1,200 page door-stopper). All in all, a huge dose of SF.
The book is classified and marketed as a textbook for teaching SF courses and rightly so. Besides over 150 stories (from short stories to novellas), it contains biographical entries about each author and additional essays about related topics. The appendices give advice to aspiring authors on writing and submitting SF stories.