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Author: Sue Granquist

Goth Chick News: The Original Men in Tights Are Still the Best Men in Tights…

Goth Chick News: The Original Men in Tights Are Still the Best Men in Tights…

batman-return-of-the-caped-crusaders-smallAfter last week’s rant about the evils of tampering with original story-telling genius, it’s time for us all to take a deep breath and collectively cleanse our entertainment pallets with some really inspired news. Though it’s not traditional Goth Chick fare, I could not help but emit a little fangirl squee at the following.

Fifty years after first donning tights to play Batman and Robin on TV, Adam West and Burt Ward are back in a movie titled Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders.

Just let that sink in for a moment, and repair your tattered psyches.

Okay, so it’s an animated feature brought to us by Warner Bros., and it’s a direct-to-DVD release. But the important thing here is that rather than landing some current Hollywood hotties to do cameo voice over work, or worse yet some nameless talking heads, WB sought out the original actors, West age 88 (Bruce Wayne / Batman) and Ward age 71 (Dick Grayson / Robin) along with an 83-year-old Julie Newmar (Catwoman) to reprise their roles.

The original Batman television series premiered in 1966 and ran for three successful seasons. It was a very “swinging sixties” creation with a colorful theme song and comedic tone, coupled with some overt sexuality and topical themes (a heady combo for mid-century television viewers). In the years since it has passed into the pop cult stratosphere, as we witnessed when West, Ward and Newmar made an appearance at the 2013 Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2). Attendees who purchased autographs in advance still faced nearly a three-hour wait and the stars were sequestered in a separate part of the facility, likely for their own protection from the rabid fans.

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Goth Chick News: Why, Universal Studios? Why?

Goth Chick News: Why, Universal Studios? Why?


In the midst of my favorite time of year, I must hang my head and sigh over the undeniable fact that Universal Studios plans to continue its reboot vendetta against its own iconic monster catalog.

This, in spite of the proverbial box office stake being driven straight through the heart of Dracula Untold back in 2014.

Never heard of it? Nope, and you probably never will after this.

Still, to date we have pseudo-confirmations of everything but The Mummy, which has a confirmed release date of June 9, 2017.

  • The Mummy (2017), starring Tom Cruise and Sofia Boutella
  • Untitled Invisible Man film (TBA), starring Johnny Depp
  • Untitled Wolf Man film (TBA)
  • Untitled Creature from the Black Lagoon film (TBA)
  • Untitled Bride of Frankenstein film (TBA)
  • Untitled Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (rumored), starring Russell Crowe
  • Untitled Frankenstein film (rumored), starring Javier Bardem

Why you ask?  Or at least that is what I ask as I mix up another pumpkin spice martini.  I mean, its one thing for Hollywood to be bereft of any novel ideas, and quite another to mess with classics of this magnitude.

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Goth Chick News: Polish Up the Sword and Buff the Leather, Blade is (Maybe) Back

Goth Chick News: Polish Up the Sword and Buff the Leather, Blade is (Maybe) Back

blade-poster-small blade-3-poster-small

For years now fans have been waiting for something to come of all the rumors regarding the Wesley Snipes, day-walking, bad-ass known as Blade.

In case you haven’t been keeping track, we last left the story back in 2004 with Blade Trinity, where personally I first learned to appreciate Ryan Reynolds on many levels, not to mention Dominic Purcell. Add in a fairly good storyline, an awesome soundtrack and a strong female character in the form of Jessica Biel laying waste with her compound bow and what you get is a movie that stands up quite well, a dozen years later.

But a lot of water has flowed under that particular dam in the interim, and Marvel may have trouble committing to another movie with Snipes in the lead role.

According to Patton Oswalt, who played weapons master “Hedges,” Blade Trinity was a troubled production indeed and Wesley Snipes appeared to have had some sort of mental breakdown during the shoot in Vancouver. He refused to speak to director David S. Goyer and often would not come out of his trailer; he would only respond to the name ‘Blade,’ and if he communicated with anyone, it would be via post-it notes. Ryan Reynolds corroborated this while promoting the film; saying that Snipes would ignore the entire cast, but he once acknowledged Reynolds by saying “Keep your mouth shut. You’ll live longer.”

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Goth Chick News: Ridley Scott Gets the Band Back Together

Goth Chick News: Ridley Scott Gets the Band Back Together


It’s the first week of October; that very special time of year when we here at Goth Chick News venture out of our subterranean office space and spread the “joy of the season” to the rest of the Black Gate staff. Oh sure, they act as though they don’t appreciate the puddles of theatrical blood, the moaning, the clanging of chains, the…

Never mind.

The point is, Halloween is in full swing and the GCN staff is doing a great job getting high on sugar and pumpkin-flavored adult beverages, but frankly doing a poor job at keeping our eyes on industry news. So just when I was about to drag up the stairs to tell editor John O (aka “The Big Cheese”) that everyone was too hung over to research anything coherent for this week’s article, the gods of black nail polish and blacker eyeliner, threw me a bone.

Earlier today, Warner Bros. Pictures announced that Blade Runner 2049 is the official title to their Blade Runner sequel that’s being directed by Sicario and Prisoners Denis Villeneuve.

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Goth Chick News: John Carpenter Rocks Out

Goth Chick News: John Carpenter Rocks Out


Though when we last encountered John Carpenter at the 2015 Wizard World Comic Con in Chicago, Black Gate photog Chris Z and I quietly wondered if the legendary horror master might be on his proverbial last legs. He didn’t look at all well when he finally appeared an hour late for his press call and after all, he is approaching his 70th birthday, which in Hollywood years is approximately 150.

However, recent events seem to indicate Carpenter may have been the temporary victim of an overindulgence of Chicago nightlife – on that day at least. Because though he may no longer be making feature-length films, his music career is giving fans quite a lot to enjoy.

As you well know, Carpenter scored most of his iconic movies. But earlier this year he released a second stand-alone, studio album entitled Lost Themes 2, a follow up to the 2015 Lost Themes, and this week we got to feast our eyeballs on the music video associated with the track “Utopian Façade.”

Arguably, the video which runs just over three minutes could be a Carpenter short which takes you into a virtual reality world populated by gnarly monsters and one very peculiar heroine who is sporting the contact lens I want for Christmas. Plus the man himself makes a cameo.

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Goth Chick News: Midnight Syndicate Releases Zombies!!! Board Game Soundtrack

Goth Chick News: Midnight Syndicate Releases Zombies!!! Board Game Soundtrack

zombies-official-board-game-soundtrack-midnight-syndicate-smallOh be still my little black heart…

Award-winning composers, dark music pioneers and my goth-boy-band crush, Midnight Syndicate has released the Zombies!!! Official Board Game Soundtrack. The new release features Midnight Syndicate’s signature, sultry blend of sound effects and instrumental music set in the modern day, post-zombie apocalypse world of the Zombies!!! board game.

Darkly brooding front man Edward Douglas explains;

We wanted to design a soundtrack that would not only heighten the Zombies!!! game play experience, but also appeal to all fans of zombies and our friends in the haunted attraction industry. I think we were able to achieve that.

Given the character and core elements of the game, I think we immediately felt this album should focus on having a more modern, aggressive sound. In order to achieve that, we brought in a lot of electronic and percussive instruments and kept the fundamental game scenarios firmly in mind, approaching it more as an actual soundtrack than as a collection of songs built around a particular theme or setting. While there are a few tracks that are more situation or location-specific, most are intended to evoke the general feel and atmosphere of the game world, allowing you to play along without interruption.

“The soundtrack is a perfect complement to the game,” added Twilight Creations co-founder, Kerry Breitenstein. “I couldn’t be more excited for the Zombies!!! fans to hear it, let alone the rest of the world!”

Picking up this album is a no-brainer… get it? Zombies? “No brainer”?

Never mind…

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Goth Chick News: What’s Not to Love About Love Stories (To Die For)?

Goth Chick News: What’s Not to Love About Love Stories (To Die For)?

love-stories-to-die-for-2-smallIf you’ve hung around Goth Chick News for a while, then you know the special place I hold in my little black heart for the master of horror comics, Dirk Manning.

We first introduced you to Mr. Manning way back in 2011, courtesy of his nationwide tour promoting Nightmare World, his horror comic series.

As someone who spent a significant amount of my childhood reading contraband horror stories by flashlight under the covers, Manning’s work struck a chord with his vintage-look illustrations and old-school storylines.

So it’s no surprise that his art is displayed prominently on the bookshelves in the underground offices of Goth Chick News. Nor is it probably a shocker that due to his genre of choice (not to mention the black top hat), he’s become a personal favorite as well.

So when I had a chance to hug my goth-boy honey at this year’s Chicago Comic Con, he was anxious to tell me (us) about his latest venture.

Several years ago Manning published an online series of five 22-page full-length stories, each a different genre, each illustrated by a different artist or art team, and each one revolving around the combined themes of love and death.

That series was called Love Stories (To Die For) and according to Manning it remains one of his proudest moments as a writer.

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Goth Chick News: New Horrific Enchantments – The Motion of Puppets

Goth Chick News: New Horrific Enchantments – The Motion of Puppets

the-motion-of-puppets-smallPuppets have always had a mystical (if not slightly creepy) appeal.

Sure, you may think of Disney’s Pinocchio when you think puppets, but I think stuff like “Fats” from Magic; I mean come on, they have been the subject of over thirty horror movies after all. Personally, anything that mimics a human being has an unsettling aspect – like dolls and mannequins… or clowns. For this reason I was pretty excited to learn about the new offering from bestselling author Keith Donohue, who last brought us the story of that disturbing little kid in The Boy Who Drew Monsters, and now serves up a masterpiece of psychological horror that will forever change the way you look at puppet.

Described as intricately plotted, absorbing, dark, and suspenseful, The Motion of Puppets takes the unsettling idea of marionettes and mixes it up beautifully with the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice.

In the Old City of Québec, Kay Harper falls in love with a puppet in the window of the Quatre Mains, a toy shop that is never open. She is spending her summer working as an acrobat with the cirque while her husband, Theo, is translating a biography of the pioneering photographer Eadweard Muybridge. Late one night, Kay fears someone is following her home. Surprised to see that the lights of the toy shop are on and the door is open, she takes shelter inside.

The next morning Theo wakes up to discover his wife is missing. Under police suspicion and frantic at her disappearance, he obsessively searches the streets of the Old City. Meanwhile, Kay has been transformed into a puppet, and is now a prisoner of the back room of the Quatre Mains, trapped with an odd assemblage of puppets from all over the world who can only come alive between the hours of midnight and dawn. The only way she can return to the human world is if Theo can find her and recognize her in her new form. So begins the dual odyssey of Keith Donohue’s The Motion of Puppets: of a husband determined to find his wife, and of a woman trapped in a magical world where her life is not her own.

Donohue delivers a moving, modern story is set in what could feel like a fairytale world, but is actually terrifyingly realistic. It is a tale of true love, missing persons, and obsession tangled in the strings that bind us all and wrapped up in one awesome creeptastic package. If you love eerie doll stories like those in Ellen Datlow’s award winning The Doll Collection, or are a fan of Neil Gaiman, you will thoroughly enjoy The Motion of Puppets – scheduled for release in October of this year, from Picador.

Have a question or comment (or a disturbing puppet)?  Post a comment and tell us about it here, or drop a line to

Goth Chick News: What a Beautiful Time to Be Obsessed with LEGOs

Goth Chick News: What a Beautiful Time to Be Obsessed with LEGOs

Lego Addams Family

Come on admit it – you still love to occasionally get your Lego fix.

In a world full of VR and 3D anime games, and Pokemon Go (insert eye roll here) – the Danish idea from 1932 of making little colored bricks that snap together not only still holds up with the kiddies, but has gained full on cult-status with the grownups.  And to their credit, Lego has continued to evolve to meet the needs of these adults sporting expendable incomes and a bad case of nostalgia.

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Goth Chick News: Phantasmagoria the Game Turns 21 and Gets a Movie Treatment (Maybe)

Goth Chick News: Phantasmagoria the Game Turns 21 and Gets a Movie Treatment (Maybe)

Phantasmagoria-smallAs you know (or can guess) I have publicly declared Phantasmagoria, the horror-themed video game by Sierra On-Line, as one of my all-time-favorites to this day.

Why you ask, when the quality of today’s gaming experiences are movie-like, compared to which Phantasmagoria’s live-actor-against-computer generated-background appears fairly cheesy?

To start, I’ll re-share some stats that my buds over at Bloody Disgusting dug up as part of their own Happy Birthday tribute.

Back in the ‘90’s when point-and-click adventure games reigned supreme, LucasArts and Sierra were the “Nintendo and Sega” of the era. And Roberta Williams was Sierra’s wunderkind; the designer responsible for a number of hit franchises like King’s Quest, Mystery House, and The Colonel’s Bequest. But in spite of the many titles that Williams worked on, she’s said that her sole entry in the horror genre, Phantasmagoria, is her favorite.

Phantasmagoria to this day remains one of the biggest spectacles of gaming. No expense was sparred and the game sprawled across 7 CD-ROMs due to the heavy amount of FMV (Full Motion Video).

Williams wrote a 550-page script for Phantasmagoria, (a typical movie screenplay is around 120 pages, as a point of reference), which required a cast of 25 actors, a production team of over 200 people, took two years to fully develop and four months to film. Phantasmagoria’s initial budget was $800,000, but by the end of production costs had hit a staggering total of $4.5 million (with the game also being filmed in a $1.5 million studio that Sierra built specifically for it).

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