Goth Chick News: The World (and Me) Never Tire of Agatha Christie
The Christie Affair by Nina de Gramont (St. Martin’s Press, February 1, 2022)
Back in grade school, in an attempt to put some “normal” into my interests, my parents had me taking piano lessons. I believe the goal was to get my nose out of books as I spent every available moment in the most secluded spots I could find, tucked in with reading material considered wholly unsuitable for a fourth-grade girl (i.e., Logan’s Run, Childhood’s End, and a large variety of horror comics). Though the elderly teacher who came to the house every Thursday failed to instill in me very much in the way of talent on the keyboard, she couldn’t help but notice that I first had to put down my book before sitting down at the piano. In an attempt to engage me one Thursday, Mrs. Wall brought me her paperback copy of Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie.