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Author: S.M. Carrière

When S.M. Carrière isn't brutally killing your favourite characters, she spends her time teaching martial arts, live streaming video games, and cuddling her cats. In other words, she spends her time teaching others to kill, streaming her digital kills, and cuddling furry murderers. Her most recent titles include 'Daughters of Britain' and 'Skylark.'
Publishing: A Quick Overview

Publishing: A Quick Overview

Image by Jose Antonio Alba from Pixabay

Good afterevenmorn!

I have taken a protracted break from social media for the past fortnight, which has been both a boon and a source of deep frustration for many reasons I will not rant about here. But while it has been an overall win for my mental health, it does mean that I’m very out of the loop when it comes to writerly news, and any gossip and drama happening in that world. Which leaves me with few options for today’s post. Which means, today I’d like to address all the aspiring writers of the readership.

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The More-Ish Nature of Chinese Costume Dramas

The More-Ish Nature of Chinese Costume Dramas

Good afterevenmorn!

I have not all that long ago espoused my love for Chinese Dramas on here. I was gushing about The Untamed, which still reigns supreme for me for a myriad of reasons. Not least of all because I’ve only watched one other all the way through since then. It’s that weird thing when a love for one of the genre makes all others in that genre pale by comparison. I still desperately want a copy of The Untamed on DVD or Blu-Ray for my collection. But I didn’t want to get on here to rehash my old loves for you. Tempted though I am.

I’ve gotten ahead of myself here. Let me start from the beginning.

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Fame – an Introvert’s Dilemma

Fame – an Introvert’s Dilemma

This is my literal nightmare.
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Good afterevenmorn!

It is a long-held convention, it seems, that writers are, by nature, introverts. From my experience, both quite personally, and with nearly everyone in my immediate professional circle, this seems to be the case. In fact, of the many writers that I know in person, only one of them is not an introvert. She is the only one who is invigorated by crowds. Others you might be excused believing are extroverts, given their bright, effusive natures, but they, too, collapse into a heap following interactions with people.

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The (New) Crow – It’s a No From Me

The (New) Crow – It’s a No From Me

Good afterevenmorn!

Well, it turns out that a new version of the film The Crow was released last week. Touted not as a remake of the 1994 gothic masterpiece, but a re-adaptation of the original graphic novel (I have my doubts), it nevertheless garnered quite negative reviews on release. As of the writing of this, it has a 20% on Rotten Tomatoes.

This was… predictable.

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Rules for Me and Thee, It Turns Out

Rules for Me and Thee, It Turns Out

Good afterevenmorn!

My social timelines have been abuzz… alright, they were abuzz a couple of weeks ago, I’m slow… with the news that a certain writer is a wee bit miffed that their attempts to be included in the programming at Worldcon this year had been left unanswered, resulting in their exclusion in the programming. Which on the surface, is not a great look for Worldcon.

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There’s Nothing to Say

There’s Nothing to Say

Image by LoggaWiggler from Pixabay

Good afterevenmorn, Readers!

I have to admit, I’m a little stuck as to what to share with you today, given the horrendous news cycle. I am struggling to think of anything else but all the awful things that are going on in the wider world, save for the current work in progress that I have finally begun writing again after many, many months off (I was supposed to have finished this book in February). And I can’t really talk about that since, the book being in the unfinished first phase rough, no one will know what the hell I’m referring to when I do talk about it.

I’m not sure that even if I had anything constructive to say directly regarding this WIP that it would do any good, as it is the third book in a series, and I haven’t even bothered to shop the first book yet. There’s no point in trying to create buzz around a book that doesn’t even have a publication date… and may not, depending on how well it does during submission. I mean, I don’t have a book coming out until 2026, and if the first book were to be picked up, it’d be published maybe 2027 if I’m extremely lucky. Likely much later.

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The New Haven Incident – Part One

The New Haven Incident – Part One

Good afterevenmorn!

I know it’s silly greeting, but I’m overly fond of it. Moving swiftly on…

I was struggling with what to write for my usual fortnightly post, and so decided that I’ll instead share some of my writing (thanks to the editors for letting me be lazy this time around!). It’s hopefully a win-win. I don’t have to think this fortnight, and you, with luck, get something entertaining.

If I were to give this an elevator pitch, it would be something like: It’s Resident Evil… but with fairies.

Look, the premise is silly as hell, but I had so much fun writing it (also, I’ve not played any of the R.E. games. I did watch Jacksepticeye play through Resident Evil: The Village, though, so that counts… right?). I hope that translates when people read it. In any case, please enjoy the first part of the weekly serial story. It goes up on my personal blog every Friday, and we’re currently on part seven, so if you’re hard up for some entertainment of a Friday, there’s at least something to occupy some ten to fifteen minutes of it! Anyway, enough with the promo stuff. Here’s the story.

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The Double-Edged Blade of Social Media

The Double-Edged Blade of Social Media

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Good afterevenmorn!

It’s me again. Here to wax lyrical about social media and how it is both a boon and a bane for the creatives of the world. As it is for most everyone, I think. Let’s be honest, as a means of connecting people, finding community and disseminating information with incredible ease and speed, social media is absolutely unparalleled. Of course, on the flip-side, it is a vicious tool for deliberate bullying, polarisation, and the disastrous spread of misinformation. It seems that whatever the effect of social media, be it good or ill, there is something on the other edge that serves as to balance it out… more or less.

For a writer, or any creative, really, it is an incredible tool. It is also a terrible burden. Does the good outweigh the bad, or at least is the balance a net null? It seems that if we have any hope of being successful, we cannot escape social media (however much we may detest the need of it). But is that actually true? Is it really worth it for us to be there?

Let’s take a look at the positive and pitfalls of using social media as a creative.

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Git Gud, Scrub

Git Gud, Scrub

Image by Van3ssa 🩺🎵 Desiré 🙏 Dazzy 🎹 from Pixabay

Good afterevenmorn!

This post is for the baby writers out there, those of you who have finished your first book, or will be finishing soon and are deciding what to do with it. If you’ve done your research on the publishing process, this post will not come as a surprise to you. There are however, still a large number of writers entering the publishing space clinging to much-disproven ideas about what it’s going to look like.

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Sometimes It’s Exhausting Being a Gamer

Sometimes It’s Exhausting Being a Gamer

Good Afterevenmorn!

I know that greeting is nonsensical, but I do love it, so it’s staying. it’s a whimsical kind of thing… and I need that whimsy right about now. You see, I’m exhausted. It’s not just that I’m working several jobs while trying to get a creative career off the ground. But it’s also having to deal with some kinds of people that have flooded one of my favourite pastimes. Every so often, like when a new game trailer drops, for example, they rear their terrible little heads and with their full admittedly pigeon chests bellow at the top of their lungs that they were once again not centred and they’re boycotting said game because it’s gone “woke.” Whatever that means.

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