Vintage Treasures: Moderan by David R. Bunch
Moderan, by David R. Bunch (Avon, May 1971). Cover by Norman Adams
The week between Christmas and New Year’s may be my favorite time of the year. Nobody’s working. Life slows down. Everybody’s eating cheese. And I can finally kick back and tackle the reading projects I’ve wanted to get to all year.
At the top of my list is a Moderan, a classic science fiction collection that reviewers at Black Gate have referenced countless times in the past few years — most recently Rich Horton, who wrote here back in February, “Bunch of course is best known for his remarkable Moderan stories, many or most of which were published in Cele Goldsmith Lalli’s Amazing and Fantastic.”
Rich knows how to pique my interest. Start with superlatives, then name drop a bunch of old science fiction magazines.