John O’Neill and Howard Jones did me the honor of asking me to participate in this group blog, so I’m here to introduce myself.
My name is E.E. Knight and I’m a writer of fantasy, sf, and horror — in other words, the genre section that’s usually to be found in bookstores by the romances and mysteries. Of course I have a website and a blog of my own. You may have already seen me here with my “Knight at the Movies” shorts.
I fell into the Black Gate orbit by corresponding with John some years back when I was unpublished and struggling to change that (he rejected a story but gave me some good commentary) and entered Howard’s social circle when we discovered we shared so many of the same interests, like gaming, movies, pulp literature, and blood sacrifice to the Prince of Serpents while our captive women are whipped to dance faster, faster, FASTER! Black Gate was publishing the sort of new short fiction I liked to read: well paced, a strong storyline, some interesting characters, and plenty of action. This isn’t to say the other mags are churing out crap, far from it, I just enjoy the style and variety that John chooses to feature.
Also, the magazine respects gaming.
Seemed like they had an interesting vision for this group blog. While there’s plenty of brainpower lined up, I doubt it’ll turn into an online Algonquin Roundtable of Postmodern Literary Theory. I rather think we can hope for an Iroquois Confederacy of Heroic Fiction, though. Look for a few flung tomahawks.
They generously gave me a blank check to write about whatever I like, whenever. Don’t worry, I won’t be rating early sixties centerfolds here (that’s what the blog is for!). What I will be doing is talking about adventure fiction, hopefully that of others but if I get really desperate I’ll discuss my own work.
So thanks for the invite, Howard, and the set-up, David, and the vision, John. I might make you my regular Saturday Night Thing.