Fantasy Scroll Magazine 3 Now Available

Fantasy Scroll Magazine 3 Now Available

Fantasy Scroll Magazine 3-smallThe third issue of the new Fantasy Scroll Magazine is now available, and I’m very happy to see it.

Fantasy Scroll is edited by Iulian Ionescu, Frederick Doot, and Alexandra Zamorski. It’s a quality publication and issues appear online every three months. The contents include all kinds of fantastic literature — science fiction, fantasy, horror, and paranormal short-fiction — and run the gamut from short stories to flash fiction to micro-fiction.

This issue looks very solid, with original fiction from Piers Anthony, Alex Shvartsman, and many others. The cover art is by Suebsin Pulsiri.

Here’s the complete fiction Table of Contents:

“Descant” by Piers Anthony
“The Peacemaker” by Rachel A. Brune
“My Favorite Photos of Anne” by Aaron Polson
“Verisimilitude” by Alan Murdock
“Orc Legal” by James Beamon
“Kindle My Heart” by Rebecca Birch
“Burn in Me” by Carrie Martin

“The Memory-Setter’s Apprentice” by Alvaro Zinos-Amaro
“Hither and Yon” by Anatoly Belilovsky
“The Contents of the Box with the Ribbon” by David Neilsen
“The First First Fire” by Alexander Monteagudo
“Missing Tessa” by Anna Yeatts
“The Perfect Book” by Alex Shvartsman

There’s also a healthy assortment of non-fiction, including:

Interview with Author Piers Anthony
Interview with Author and Publisher Anna Yeatts
Interview with Editor Scott H. Andrews
Artist Spotlight: Suebsin Pulsiri
Book Review: “Upgraded” Edited by Neil Clarke
Movie Review: The House That Dripped Blood (1971-Peter Duffell)

See the complete contents of the issue here.

Fantasy Scroll Magazine is published quarterly in Mobi, epub, and PDF format. Individual issues are $2.99, a 4-issue subscription is only $9.99. We last covered the magazine in May with issue 1.

Learn more at their website.

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Scott Taylor

How are people still making short fiction fantasy magazines?

Cool cover! I keep meaning to check them out and you keep reminding me too – thanks 🙂

Sarah Avery

Fantasy Scroll’s current pay rate is on the low end of the semi-pro range, but it does invite submission of reprints. The editor’s full of youthful energy. Time will tell if he delegates well enough to keep it. He’s a good egg.

[…] Kaye Swords and Sorcery Magazine, edited by Curtis Ellett Shimer, edited by E. Catherine Tobler Fantasy Scroll, edited by Iulian Ionescu, Frederick Doot, and Alexandra Zamorski Gygax, edited by Jayson Elliot […]

[…] The cover this issue is “Lightning Champion” by Todor Hristov. We last covered the magazine with issue 3. […]

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