The Mad Wizards at Planet X Games

The Mad Wizards at Planet X Games

Rayguns & Robuts, issue 1 (Planet X Games, August 2022). Cover by Ed Bickford

“…system-agnostic universe filled with galactic space rangers and square-jawed heroes zipping across the phlogiston, with a jet pack strapped to their back and a raygun in hand…”

Back in 2022 I received the first issue of Rayguns & Robuts, by Planet X Games. This sci-fi zine is loaded with incredible content and art, and the design esthetic is second to none.

Rayguns & Robuts, issue 1 (Planet X Games, August 2022). Cover by Ed Bickford

So, what exactly is Rayguns & Robuts? To quote the introductory editorial,

Any science-fiction roleplaying game is compatible with Rayguns & Robuts, as there are few rules or stats tied to the zine. This is a low crunch, high dramatic flavor approach and allows for more space to be dedicated to detailing the various resources within. What sci-fi role-playing system you invariably end up using is ultimately irrelevant.

So, basically, this is a rich resource filled with ideas, hooks, seeds, and so forth. Sometimes serious and deadly, sometimes humorous, sometimes both! Personally, I am reminded of Flash Gordon, The Rocketeer, Guardians of the Galaxy, John Carter, Metropolis, and Robocop.

If you’re a fan of sci-fi role playing games, you should definitely check out this gem.

An Occurrence at Howling Crater and Dungeon Malarky from Planet X Games

Two more excellent books arrived in December of last year from the mad wizards at Planet X Games. An Occurrence at Howling Crater and Dungeon Malarky are fantastic works respectively by Levi Combs and Jeffrey L. Scifert (AOaHC) and Levi Combs and Tony Aviña (DM).

An Occurrence at Howling Crater is a wild ride that really encapsulates the types of adventures I’ve seen Levi running at conventions for years.

An Occurrence at Howling Crater, DCC/MCC edition (Planet X Games, 2023)

It is described as follows:

Murderous incursions echo across a forgotten wasteland amid whispers of long-forgotten civilization of steel and fire, born in a swirling inferno of radioactive dust and powered by ancient alien-astronaut gods!

It goes on to describe a mutated, maniacal cult of alien-worshipping hillbillies.

Dungeon Malarky (Planet X Games, 2023). Art by Tony Avina, Adrian Landeros, and James Shields

Dungeon Malarky (DM), in contrast, is not an adventure per se, but it contains scores of adventure seeds, ideas, scenarios, weird monsters, plants, molds, and more. All of these things and places include bizarre effects that your players will never predict.

Planet X Games just wrapped up a successful Kickstarter campaign on December 28, for Assault on Witchgate 13.

Assault on Witchgate 13

Assault on Witchgate 13 is a Level 4 Adventure for Dungeon Crawl Classics.

At the crown of the world, far beyond the furthest reaches of civilization, there lies a place of legend – a prison where even the mightiest beings are made to suffer for their ambition. In tomes of old, the elves called it Fanglesi Norna… the dwarves spoke of it in whispers, naming it Durfang Tol… but in our era it is known by its more common name – THE WITCHGATE. Abandon hope, all ye who enter!

Get more details here.

Jeffrey P. Talanian’s last article for Black Gate was a review of Rattle of Bones and Other Terrifying Tales by Robert E. Howard. He is the creator and publisher of the Hyperborea sword-and-sorcery and weird science-fantasy RPG from North Wind Adventures. He was the co-author, with E. Gary Gygax, of the Castle Zagyg releases, including several Yggsburgh city supplements, Castle Zagyg: The East Mark Gazetteer, and Castle Zagyg: The Upper Works. Read Gabe Gybing’s interview with Jeffrey here, and follow his latest projects on Facebook and at

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