Experience the Creepy and Compelling Rhythms of De Staat’s “Witch Doctor”

Experience the Creepy and Compelling Rhythms of De Staat’s “Witch Doctor”

I don’t usually share music videos here (I think the last time was due to some fascinating musical detective work on Star Trek by the CBC). But in the case of De Staat’s new video “Witch Doctor,” I’m compelled to do so. After watching it four times, I feel like I’ve been indoctrinated into a secret cult.

It’s one of the most effective music videos I’ve seen in years (and apparently done on a shoestring budget). As Black Gate author Jeremy Tolbert says, ” I can’t seem to stop watching it… It has this creepy, Constantine vibe – an evil necromancer or black magician controlling a cult or something.”

Check it out. Just don’t blame us if you find yourself penniless in Budapest with a shaved head when it’s all over.

[Caution – one brief occurrence of adult language.]

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Martin Christopher

Okay, this is different. ^^

Pretty cool.


That is really cool…would’ve been great if they’d used real extras instead of CGI (that obviously would have made the ending more challenging).

I even almost like the music.

Martin Christopher

Not familiar with Constantine, but also very Nyarlathotep. Could be the the Faceless God with a Thousand Masks himself.

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