Heroic Fantasy Quarterly Best-of Volume 4 Anthology Now Available

Heroic Fantasy Quarterly Best-of Volume 4 Anthology Now Available

The Best Of Heroic Fantasy Quarterly 4 (June 6, 2024). Cover Art by Karolína Wellartová

After gathering the cold fire and the breath of virtuous fish we were finally able to forge mithril and orichalchum into a fine mesh, through which we strained the very aether of imagination and distilled it into Heroic Fantasy Quarterly Best-of Volume 4.  From issues #25 to #32 we bring you:

Sixteen stories
Ten poems
Twenty-seven illustrations; and
An essay on the Sword and Sorcery genre by Howard Andrew Jones

It was a labor of love and with copies sent to the contributors and the Kickstarter backers, we are ready to unveil it to the world! Order copies directly from Amazon.

In other news, we are open for fiction and poetry submissions for the month of July, so if you got it, send it!

Adrian Simmons is an editor for Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, check out their Best-of Volume 3  Best-of Volume 4, or support them on Patreon!

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nice, i need to pick this up

Adrian Simmons

We aim to please!

have any KS backers received their copies yet?

Hey Jason– yes, as far as I know they all got their copies. Did you get yours? …I can’t remember if I sent yours directly from Amazon or handed you a hardcopy at REH days. Did I manage to drop the ball?

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