Prequels, Poetry, Plying the South Seas and Double Wolves—Heroic Fantasy Quarterly # 53
Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #53 broke its bonds in August, and it runs amok, featuring three stories, three sort poems, with art and audio.
We’ve got two prequal tales: “The Path of Two Entwined” returns to Gregory Mele’s fantasy Meso-American world of Azaltlán, delving into one of the pre–piracy adventures of Sarrumos Koródu. “The Crown of Azt’nyr” returns us to Mike Adamson’s ringed world of Malovar with the story of how Derros and Princess Therolynn met before their hard-fought return to the city of Tymass.
Our third story, “The Waking Gods,” by D. H. Rowe introduces a new hero, Hekili, an adventurer who sails the mysterious islands of a fantasy south seas.
We’ve got four poems, double-dipping into mythical Nordic wolves with Adam Semple’s Fenrir, Jennifer Crow’s Managarm. Switching gears, we have Colleen Anderson’s poem The Singing Harp that tips its hat to ancient Irish myth, and we round things out with Anna Remennik’s sampling of a folio on everyone’s favorite beasties: Dragons.
The issue’s pixels were still warm when we got our first review, from Tangent Online’s Victoria Silverwolf (so, three wolves!) who picks up what we are putting down.

Adrian Simmons is an editor for Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, check out their Best-of Volume 3 Anthology, or support them on Patreon!