New Treasures: The Witchlands by Susan Dennard

New Treasures: The Witchlands by Susan Dennard

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In her enthusiastic Black Gate review of Susan Dennard’s Something Strange and Deadly, the opening novel in a dark fantasy trilogy, Zeta Moore wrote:

For readers with dark tastes and a deep-seated love for romance… Dennard has a supreme understanding of how to enhance gothic themes with an addictive steampunk flourish, and captivate her readers with antagonists you come to enjoy more than the protagonists.

Dennard’s latest series is the far more ambitious Witchlands saga, which opened with Truthwitch (2016), which Robin Hobb called:

A cake stuffed full of your favorite fantasy treats: highway robbery, swordplay, deep friendships, treachery, magic, piracy on the high seas, and romance. This book will delight you.

Dennard has followed with a new book every year: Windwitch (2017), the novella Sightwitch (2018), and now Bloodwitch (February 12, 2019), just arrived in hardcover. All four are published by Tor Teen. Here’s the back covers for the first two.

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This has proven to be a lively and popular series, and the Jim Henson Company just picked it up to be adapted into a live action TV series. I’ve been curious about it since I read this starred review from Publishers Weekly:

Iseult and Safiya are as different as two young women can be — one is noble-born, the other is from a despised people; one has the ability to see the threads of emotions in people, while the other can see truth. Yet their friendship and shared learning create a familial bond between them, making them Threadsisters. On the eve of the renegotiation of the Twenty Year Truce, which has kept peace across the ravaged lands, a single announcement is all it takes to upend their lives, sending them careening across the world, pursued by royalty and evil and spurred by something more powerful than themselves… Dennard’s rich descriptions, insightful characterizations, and breathtaking action sequences will keep readers on their toes.

Read our previous coverage of Susan Dennard here:

Steampunk, Voodoo, and the Walking Dead: Something Strange and Deadly by Zeta Moore
New Treasures: Truthwitch

Get complete details on the series at Susan Dennard’s website, and read the first five chapters of Truthwitch at the TorForge Blog.

See all our recent New Treasures here.

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