Collecting (and Selling) Ace Doubles
Selling vintage paperbacks at the Chicago Worldcon, 2012.
That’s Peadar O’Guilin and Kristin Janz in the background,
and David Kyle’s hand at left
I’ve been collecting science fiction paperbacks for around forty years, and attending SF conventions for roughly the same period. So it’s natural to eventually combine the two. About fifteen years ago, after I’d started selling Black Gate magazine at conventions, I decided to package up some of the older duplicates sitting in my basement and bring them along too.
That quickly became the biggest draw at our booth. As I learned the hard way, struggling in vain to launch a new fantasy magazine, the audience for short fiction in this field gets smaller every year. But interest in vintage science fiction seems to sharpen and grow with each passing month.
It was especially gratifying to see young SF readers approach the booth, eyes wide, taking in the colorful rows of hundreds of paperbacks published before they were born. Sometimes they’d make appreciative comments like, “I can’t believe you have such an incredible collection… it seems a shame to sell it!” Of course, if four tables stacked with books seemed unbelievable, the truth (that this wasn’t my collection, but just a small fraction of the duplicates from my collection) would probably tax their fragile credulity to the limit, so in those moments I’d usually just smile and say, “Shucks. Thanks.”
[Click the images for bigger versions.]
Becoming a seller gradually changed my buying habits, too. Like most young collectors, I started by buying everything that interested me, and collecting authors I loved. Selling forced me to become more aware of the market — what authors and publishers sold, and what books had enduring value, for example.
But more than that, selling gave me permission to buy purely on spec. To collect not just for myself, but for hypothetical future buyers. Years ago I would turn down bargain book lots sadly, aware that I already had most books in the set, and that as a lone collector there just wasn’t enough value to justify the purchase. Nowadays, however, my own collecting needs frequently take a back seat to my seller’s instincts, and I happily snap up discounted book collections regardless of how many copies I already own.
Of course, now that we’re no longer publishing a print version of the magazine, I don’t sell as often as I used to. In other words (or, as my wife puts it), what began as a way to make a few bucks and clean out the basement, has cost us a fortune and made the basement so crammed it’s virtually unnavigable.
For the love of God, take some of these books off my hands
Anyway, I sometimes make great buys, and I just as often make lousy ones. That’s the life of an amateur bookseller.
But if I’ve learned anything over the last 15 years, I’ve learned that it’s hard to go wrong collecting and selling Ace Doubles — especially the early series. They’re just about the most reliable sellers I’ve encountered in a decade and a half of convention selling.
There are three major reasons why.
They are:
- Great Cover Art
- A Deep Bench of Authors
- They’re Cheap and Plentiful (if you know where to look)
Not surprisingly, that first one on the list is probably the most important. The Ace Doubles were blessed with some of the best artists the field has even seen, and they put their mark on numerous famous (and not so famous) science fiction books. They include Ed Emshwiller (Emsh), Ed Valigursky, Jeffrey Jones, John Schoenherr, Kelly Freas, Alex Schomburg, Gray Morrow, Jack Gaughan, and many others.
Steve Fahnestalk has a great retrospective of the art of Ace Doubles over at Amazing Stories:
ACE Doubles and Some Amazing Illustrators Part One
ACE Doubles and Some Amazing Illustrators Part Two
Flickr also has a gorgeous gallery of some of the best covers of the D-Series here.
Second, you’d be hard pressed to find a line that promoted as many great science fiction writers as the Ace Doubles. They were around for roughly 25 years (1952-1978), and produced hundreds of titles. A partial list of the SF authors they published includes:
Andre Norton
Clifford D. Simak
Isaac Asimov
Murray Leinster
H. Beam Piper
Ursula K. Le Guin
Jack Williamson
Manly Wade Wellman
Charles Harness
Poul Anderson
A.E. van Vogt
Robert E. Howard
John W. Campbell
Leigh Brackett
Eric Frank Russell
L. Sprague de Camp
Gordon R. Dickson
Philip K. Dick
Robert Silverberg
Harlan Ellison
James White
Jack Vance
John Brunner
Edmond Hamilton
Brian Aldiss
Jerry Sohl
Damon Knight
Samuel R. Delany
Fritz Leiber
Fred Saberhagen
Avram Davidson
Thomas M. Disch
Michael Moorcock
Dean R. Koontz
R. A. Lafferty
Neal Barrett Jr.
A. Bertram Chandler
Any way you look at it, that’s an incredible — and very collectible! — list.
Third, there’s a certain mystique about the Doubles, especially for casual collectors. I almost never came across the older ones in used book stores, and the ones I did find were exorbitantly priced, especially in good condition. When I had them to sell at conventions, I would usually start the D-Series Ace Doubles (the oldest SF titles, and all the ones shown on this page) at around $10, and I usually sold out of everything I had in stock.
And the most collectible of the lot — such as the Asimov, Robert E. Howard, and Phlip K. Dick titles — would get snapped up at $35 a pop.
But despite the perception in the market, the older Ace Doubles aren’t actually all that rare. True, they were hoarded and collected, and long-time collectors were loath to part with them. But that just means that there are a lot of them out there, and that when they come on the market, they’re often in fair-sized lots, offered in an estate sale by someone who just wants to get rid of them.
That means that a buyer that knows where to look — such as online auction sites like eBay — can reliably pick up nice lots of Ace Doubles in great condition. And a seller who knows where to sell — such as at SF conventions — can move them at a nice premium.
For example, I bought the lot below on eBay two weeks ago. It contains all the Doubles shown above, and others. Many are titles I’ve personally sold for $10 each (and above) at conventions over the years. I won the auction for $11, or just $1 per book.
I don’t know if I’ll sell these yet, or just cherish them and cuddle them, and then put them in bags and bury them in the basement. Could go either way.
But if you’re the kind of person who has a fondness for vintage paperbacks, and also has a keen eye for a business opportunity, I think there’s one to be had here. I don’t attend that many science fiction conventions these days, and the ones I do attend don’t seem to have many paperback sellers in the Dealer’s Room any more. But the appetite for vintage science fiction books is still very much alive among SF readers, and experience tells me they’re more than willing to pay a premium for highly collectible paperbacks from the right authors, and with the right cover artist.
The Ace Doubles, as a rule, had both. They’re certainly not the only way for an enterprising book buyer and seller with a keen eye to make a profit, but they make a great start.
Here’s the flip side of that collection above.
And since everyone seemed to appreciate the spontaneous cat pic that resulted the last time I laid a bunch of vintage treasures on the floor, here’s the entirely predictable results of this morning’s efforts in my living room.
This is what tyically happens when I put paperbacks on the floor
If you’re interested in learning more, our recent coverage of Ace Doubles includes:
Assassins, Mad Robots, and an Alien Hunt: Rich Horton on The Man With Nine Lives and A Touch of Infinity by Harlan Ellison
An Interlude with Messrs Brunner & Van Vogt: The World Swappers by John Brunner and Siege of the Unseen by A.E. van Vogt, by Tony Den
Generation Ships and Martian Rebels: Rich Horton on 200 Years to Christmas by J. T. McIntosh and Rebels of the Red Planet by Charles L. Fontenay
Star Pirates and Cyborg Games: Rich Horton on The Star Virus by Barrington J. Bayley and Mask of Chaos by John Jakes
Invaders of Pluto, and Brain Stealers of Mars: Rich Horton on The Ultimate Weapon and The Planeteers by John W. Campbell
Space Barbarians and Uranium Mining on Mars: Rich Horton on Empire of the Atom by A. E. Van Vogt and Space Station #1 by Frank Belknap Long
Dorsai and Secret Psi Powers: Rich Horton on The Genetic General/Time to Teleport by Gordon R. Dickson
Space Stations With Secret Passages, and Snow White in Space: Rich Horton on Sanctuary in the Sky by John Brunner/The Secret Martians by John Sharkey
Parallel Universes and Space Marines: Rich Horton on The Games of Neith by Margaret St. Clair/The Earth Gods are Coming by Kenneth Bulmer
The Problem With Marion Zimmer Bradley: Rich Horton on Falcons of Narabedla/The Dark Intruder
King of the Fourth Planet/Cosmic Checkmate by Robert Moore Williams and Charles V. De Vet & Katherine MacLean
See all of our recent Vintage Treasures here.
Ace doubles are the most wonderful books in the world, and really are amazingly easy to get a hold of. You can build quite a nice collection for a modest amount of money. That is, they were, until you let the cat out of the bag, John…
Just trying to nurture that all-important next generation of convention booksellers, Thomas.
I’ll have to avoid the conventions you go to. If I pass by a table like that I won’t have money left to buy food.
That’s a nice buy. It’s amazing how fast an Ace Double collection can grow with only reasonable effort. My biggest issue is locating ones in good condition this side of the Atlantic. But I will persevere and hopefully come across a box at a bargain price in the back of a school fête or such:)
> If I pass by a table like that I won’t have money left to buy food.
I know exactly what you mean! At Worldcon in Chicago, our booth was right across from Rich Warren and Arin Komin’s Starfarer’s Despatch booth, sellers of high quality paperbacks, and for a while it seemed like I was going to buy nearly as much as I sold….
> I will persevere and hopefully come across a box at a bargain price
That’s the spirit! You never know what treasures you’ll find if you keep looking. Good hunting!
Didn’t the Ace Double’s line come out when Donald A. Wollheim was still with them? I seem to remember reading that he was involved.
He certainly did! Don created the Ace Double, and in fact was the founding editor of Ace. Before that he was paperback editor at Avon, where he brought an enormous amount of SF and fantasy into print. He left Ace in 1971 to found DAW, which quickly became the most important paperback publisher in the field.
We’ve highlighted Wollheim’s enormous contributions to the Ace Double line in several previous articles, including:
And of course your own blog post from 2014:
Very much enjoyed your writing on Ace Books. I have been reading and collecting since, oh about 1964. And have a number of books I want to downsize. Let me know if you are interested.
I’m trying to find the values for my Ace double scifi collection. They all are in excellent condition.
Congrats on the collection! The best source of pricing I’ve been able to find is online markets like Abe Books and eBay. For example, there are about 200 eBay Ace Double collections for sale on eBay right now:
Love Vintage Ace paperbacks especially the singles, have all but one, WANTED ACE D 396 Luisita by Rae Loomis. please send a email notice if you have one for sale… PLEASE! I really would appreciate it. Robert McGuire art collector. Allready have the ACE S-70, dont need it, need the D396 only, thank you.
Hi, all, Especially Mr.O’Niell! I just stumbled onto your website trying to price some vintage Ace Doubles for a friend of mine. Her husband died recently and she found boxes of Ace Double books he had squirrelled away. She had no idea that I’ve been a huge science fiction nerd since my brother turned his 12-yr-old sister on to The Great Ones back in 1970 and created a monster. Just got lucky. There’s like 60-70 of them!
So I’m bundling these books and posting on Ebay, trying to make my friend a little $ while wishing I could keep some of them (Asimov! Silverberg!) and I come across a pamphlet called Double Your Pleasure, the Ace SF Double by James A. Corrick from 1991. It has a history and (I would guess complete) list of the books.
Now I don’t know if it’s worth anything at all. It’s kinda raggedy and I wouldn’t think of interest to just anybody, but I find it very cool. I’m not looking to make anything off it (unless you tell me it’s the Holy Trail that’s been missing for 20 years). I just want someone that would appreciate it to have it. To tell you the truth, this whole thing has become a labor of love for me and I’m really enjoying it. If it is of interest to you or anyone else, I would like to give it to you . I’m certainly not going to throw it out. Thanks!
Hi Carolyn,
Thanks for the great note! It’s always a pleasure to hear about someone preserving and passing along these old treasures into new hands.
I’ve never heard of Double Your Pleasure, the Ace SF Double by James A. Corrick — and you are very kind to offer it to us! I did a little research, and it is in fact quite valuable.
There are only four copies currently available on eBay, with the cheapest being around $50 (including shipping).
I’d urge you to hold onto it — or, if you’re so inclined, post your copy on eBay, and pass it along to another eager collector. I’m no longer buying Ace Doubles, but I’m quite certain there are plenty of folks who are, who will find it enormously valuable.
Thanks again for your comment. Do you have any favorites from among your Ace Double collection?
Oh my god, favorites? I wish I could keep them all, to read all my old heroes and learn of some authors I missed first time around. Thanks so much for your reply, and I love your website!