Uncanny Magazine Issue 12 Now on Sale

Uncanny Magazine Issue 12 Now on Sale

uncanny-issue-12-september-october-smallCharles Payseur at Quick Sip Reviews has some high praise for the latest issue of Uncanny,

This month’s offerings from Uncanny Magazine bring a bit of everything. Two original fiction pieces, two poems, and two works of nonfiction covering fairy tales and AI insurrections and ghosts and desires and distorted realities and lineages of SFF. The fiction is gripping and challenging, difficult and unflinching. The poetry is moving and all about desire and nostalgia and looking back. And the nonfiction is about perception and how it can be changed, either in the brain or by those around you, and how that can effect the inroads to SFF. It’s a full month and a nice balance of the strange, the heartbreaking, and the affirming….

“The Witch of Orion Waste and the Boy Knight” by E. Lily Yu (5,868 words)

This story takes an interesting look at fairy tale tropes and humanizes them in interesting ways, casting a goose girl as a witch and a cursed boy as a knight and weaving a complex tale of hope and disappointment and longing. The story does an excellent job capturing the feel of the witch, who is blown across her own life, going where inclination leads. She is inquisitive and never truly satisfied and when given the opportunity to be a witch she jumps on it, only to find that not all things are what she expects. She ends up following a knight on his quest, hoping to keep him safe and also stay with him, but the way that power and curses work in this story is strange and interesting. It twists things. And that’s part of what I love about it.

Read his complete review here

The issue includes fiction by Sarah Pinsker, Carmen Maria Machado, Tim Pratt, E. Lily Yu, Ferrett Steinmetz, and a reprint by Sofia Samatar, and non-fiction by Una McCormack, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Dominik Parisien, and Aidan Moher, plus poetry, interview, and an editorial. All of the content became available for purchase as an eBook (PDF, EPUB, MOBI) on September 1, 2016.

Here’s the complete fiction contents:

Under One Roof” by Sarah Pinsker
My Body, Herself” by Carmen Maria Machado
Not a Miracle But a Marvel” by Tim Pratt
The Witch of Orion Waste and the Boy Knight” by E. Lily Yu
Rooms Formed of Neurons and Sex” by Ferrett Steinmetz
Ogres of East Africa” by Sofia Samatar (from Long Hidden: Speculative Fiction from the Margins of History, 2014)


肉骨茶 (Meat Bone Tea) by S. Qiouyi Lu
The Ghost Marriage by Sonya Taaffe
Million–Year Elegies: Tyrannosaurus by Ada Hoffmann


Editorial: The Uncanny Valley by Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas
All True, Especially the Lies—Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Cardassia by Una McCormack
Thank You, Patreon Supporters! by Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas
This Is Our Work: What Star Trek Asks of Us by Mary Anne Mohanraj
Growing Up in Wonderland by Dominik Parisien
Blood Matters: Growing Up in an SF/F House by Aidan Moher
Interview: Carmen Maria Machado by Deborah Stanish
Interview: Sarah Pinsker by Deborah Stanish

The cover this month is by Kirbi Fagan.

Issue #12 is cover-dated September/October 2016. Read the complete issue here.

We last covered Uncanny Magazine with Issue #10.

Uncanny Magazine is edited by Lynne M. Thomas, Michael Damian Thomas, and Michi Trota, and published bi-monthly. The issue is priced at $3.99, and is available as an eBook (PDF, EPUB, MOBI). eBook Subscriptions are available at Weightless Books.

Our October Fantasy Magazine Rack is here. See all of our recent fantasy magazine coverage here..

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