December Issue of Swords and Sorcery Magazine Now Available

December Issue of Swords and Sorcery Magazine Now Available

Swords and Sorcery Magazine November 2015-smallIssue 47 of Swords and Sorcery Magazine, cover-dated December 2015, is now available. Each issue of contains two short stories, and is available free online. This issue features brand new fiction from Dan DeFazio and Frank Martinicchio. Here’s the issue summary from editor Curtis Ellett:

The Death of the Bastard D’Uvel,” by Dan DeFazio, tells a tale of daring deeds, black magic, and questionable morality. DeFazio’s work has previously been published in Dungeon Magazine. This is his first story in Swords & Sorcery.

Arbor,” by Frank Martinicchio, is the tale of a young man who finds an unexpected mentor. Martinicchio has previously been published in Tincture Journal.

I was glad to see that, after months of searching, Curtis has found a suitable number of volunteers to help him select the contents of a Best of Swords and Sorcery Magazine anthology.

Fletcher Vredenburgh reviewed issue #46 in his November Short Story Roundup, with particular praise for “Last Stand at Wellworm’s Pass” by Nick Ozment, which he called “a perfect dose of old school storytelling… Any S&S story that can stuff in werewolves, demons, and djinns is alright by me.” Read the current issue here. We last covered Swords and Sorcery Magazine with Issue #46.

See our Late-December Fantasy Magazine Rack here, and all of our recent magazine coverage here.

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