Enter the Grimdark Magazine Battle-off Competition

Enter the Grimdark Magazine Battle-off Competition

Grimdark Magazine Battle-off Competition

Grimdark Magazine is getting some great notices among fans of heroic fantasy — including from our own Fletcher Vredenburgh, who said in his reviewย of the first three issues, “From a swords & sorcery perspective, the biggest โ€” and potentially most interesting โ€” new publication out there is Grimdark Magazine.” Grimdark editor-in-chief Adrian Collins contacted us this morning to let us know of a new contest sponsored by the magazine, open to heroic fantasy writers of all kinds. Here’s the deets:

We’re running a competition over at Grimdark Magazine that may interest some of Black Gate‘s followers — both readers and writers. It’s a battle-off, where self and small published authors enter a 1K word excerpt featuring a battle scene, the readers then vote on a top 7 and a panel of judges then decide on the top 3 to win awards.

It will run for a couple of months between mid August and the end of October… There are some pretty awesome prizes up for grabs, including a Kindle HD, signed hardcovers, plenty of paperbacks and ebooks, editing services and cover art services.

This is one of the most unusual writing contests I’ve heard of, and I highly approve. So sharpen your pens, all you aspiring adventure fantasy writers. This is your chance to show that you have the chops to deserve wider attention — and maybe win something that could help your new novel really stand out. Get the complete details here.

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Consider my stylus sharpened and my wax tablets called for! Many of my yet to be published stories have been somewhat combat heavy (I come from RuneQuest3 background) so yea let us slip forth the dog’s of war, cry havoc and so on by Crom!

Wild Ape

Grimdark. Get it. It is the bomb.

Wow, pretty darn cool! Unfortunately I don’t have any ensemble pieces, all of my bloody, gory battles are mano a mano. Best of luck to all contestants tho ๐Ÿ™‚


Ah alas one has to have joined the that ever so hard to access club, the chosen few, known as the published authors to enter. So no go for me but I will be sure to read the entries, should be awesome. Glad to find out about this magazine.

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