Goth Chick News: It’s Haunt Show Time Again and You Bet We’re Excited
Like two fresh, young debutantes launching their party season in petal-pink tulle ball gowns (only different), Black Gate photographer Chris Z and I prepare to kick off the horror show rounds with our annual road trip to St. Louis to cover TransWorld’s extravaganza: The Halloween and Haunted Attractions show.
The HHA was my own personal entre into haunting subculture when I first covered it for Black Gate in Chicago twelve years ago this month.
Since then I’ve had the pleasure of meeting, interviewing and writing about some of the best talent in the industry from special effects artists and set designers, to indy film makers and musicians, to authors, actors and cartoonists. Thanks to Black Gate, it is my privilege to call many of these extremely interesting people my friends, and the sources for some of the most popular topics at Goth Chick News.
It is because of the plethora of material that comes from a visit to the HHA that Chris Z and I become giddy as school girls, loading up on Red Bull, granola bars and Nine Inch Nails MP3s to make the 5-hour road trip from Chicago.
And this year’s audio book selection is…?
World War Z (film version coming to a theater near you in June staring uber-hunk Brad Pitt).

The 2013 HHA promises to be chock-full of stuff you’ll want to hear about later such as…
- The Dark Zone – A niche, sub-show in an “enter at your own risk” space which is entirely black lighted, allowing extreme animatronic and costume designers to display their products in a “realistic environment.” Last year there was a 20-something guy leaning on the wall outside the entrance hyperventilating with his head between his knees. ‘Nuff said…
- The Interactive Haunted House – A professionally-produced haunted attraction located in an “inflatable pavilion” which lets guests see horror components “in context.” This is where we’ll get a look at what’s new in special effects to scare the snot out of you. And on the way out there will be an opportunity to arrange an interview with the designers. This is where a couple years back I took very realistic ride inside a coffin – complete with smells, sounds and motion effects. Then it was me hyperventilating…
- The Leg Avenue Runway Show – Leg Avenue is the company the keeps adult entertainers and Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends’ closets full, and that’s before we even get to Halloween. If you never thought Snow White could be erotic, this company and the girls who model their wares will make you think differently. And in case you thought you missed it, pictures of this special event have never made it into an installment of Goth Chick News show coverage for obvious reasons. But I mention it as the way I get Chris Z to spend 10 total hours in the car with me.
- Make-Up Demos – Here we get to see the latest in latex “appliances” and effect make-up including air-compressor-driven intestines which spirit-glue onto your bare mid-section; certain to make your party goers lose their appetizers.

The HHA is not without its celebrities as well. Jordu Schell, designer/sculptor for our favorite horror artists Distortions Unlimited and star of The Travel Channel’s Making Monsters, will be there filming an episode of the show, doing demonstrations and hopefully having a little chat with Goth Chick News. We’re also hoping to score an audience with Gunnar Hansen (the original “Leatherface” from Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Dee Wallace (E.T., Cujo and The Howling) as well as digging into a coffee and donut with the former Eddie Munster and Goth Chick fan, Butch Patrick.
And yes, he lets me hold Wolf Wolf…
So tune in next week for all the Halloween and Haunted Attractions news, and to learn what happens after Chris Z asks…
“You did take the gas nozzle out of the tank back there didn’t you…?”