Short Fiction Roundup
Salon Futura is a recently launched online non-fiction magazine for essays and reviews about science fiction and fantasy. There
haveĀ been several attempts to do this sort of thing, most of which have had short life spans (anyone rememberĀ the Internet Review of Science Fiction?), but with Cheryl Morgan on the masthead, whose Emerald City book review blog was up for 12 years, this perhaps might have more staying power. On the other hand, this is a paying market, so if you’re interested in critical discussions of SF/F genre, you might want to consider hitting the donate button. Here’s the short fiction review for the October issue by Karen Burham.
Morgan, by the way, is also the non-fiction editor of 2010 Hugo award winner Clarkesworld magazine. Publisher Neil Clarke (oh, that’s why the magazine is called that) writes about winning the Hugo and other developments here.