Rick Riordan Brings the Lightning to Rosarium Publishing

Rick Riordan Brings the Lightning to Rosarium Publishing

images-1This morning my Twitter and Facebook flooded with the happy news that best-selling author Rick Riordan (of Percy Jackson and the Olympians fame, among others) will be matching every donation made to Rosarium Publishing’s Indiegogo campaign till it ends in three days–up to $10,000!

He says, on his Tumblr:

Okay, folks. I have now read two great books from Rosarium, a small press that is trying to bring quality diverse voices into the world of publishing, which as we all know is very, very white. I have been REALLY impressed with both works – the short story collection The Assimilated Cuban’s Guide to Quantum Santeria and the graphic novel DayBlack.

This is the kind of business we need to support, in the same way we support independent bookstores, if we value a world of reading that is not boring and monolithic but fully representative of all the amazing life experiences in the world.

…We have only a few days left for Rosarium to meet their goal. From today, Monday, through the rest of their fundraiser, I will match all donations up to a total of $10,000. Make your money go twice as far and support excellent diverse publishing of science fiction, fantasy, graphic novels and more. Please join me at whatever level you are able, and let Rosarium know we support what they are doing!

fnOAW5nY_400x400I would join my voice to his, encouraging you to donate now and double your impact on the publishing world!

We need more diverse books–AND ROSARIUM HAS ‘EM!

Make your donation count, at Rosarium’s Indiegogo page: The Next Level.

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