The Top 40 Black Gate Posts in September

The Top 40 Black Gate Posts in September

robotechThey told us you can’t fill up the Internet, but in September, we thought we’d give it a shot. And so Scott Taylor wrote about his lifetime love of giant robots, Mark Rigney examined the genre ghetto, and Bradley Beaulieu told us about his surprise date with Amber Benson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Pat Rothfuss, and Terry Brooks.

Howard Andrew Jones commented on the World Science Fiction convention and Death and the Book Deal, Sarah Avery told us how to use our proud geek heritage to survive The Scarlet Letter, and Jason Thummel invited you to Self-Publishing 101. And that’s just the top seven articles.

Here the complete list of the Top 40 September blog entries at Black Gate according to you, our readers.

  1. Art of the Genre: The art of Robotech and a lifelong affair with Giant Robots
  2. Genre 2012: The Ghetto Remains the Same
  3. My surprise date with Amber Benson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Pat Rothfuss, and Terry Brooks
  4. Worldcon Wrap-up
  5. Teaching and fantasy literature: How to use your Proud Geek Heritage to Survive the Scarlet Letter
  6. Death and the book deal
  7. Self-publishing 101
  8. Boxed set of the year: American Science Fiction: Nine Classic Novels of the 1950s
  9. Dredd Movie Review
  10. John Myers Myers Silverlock and the Commonwealth of Letters
  11. Teaching and Fantasy Literature: Meeting them Halfway
  12. Dave Sim Announces He’s Ending Glamourpuss and Leaving Comics
  13. Genevieve Valentine Comments on Readercon Harassment in Things you Should Know About the Fallout
  14. Teaching and Fantasy Literature
  15. Black Gate to Publish Online Fiction Starting Sunday September 28
  16. Cynthia Ward Reviews The Gods of Opar
  17. Meeting Your Heroes: David Kyle
  18. Goth Chick News: the Creature had Good Taste and so does Tim Burton
  19. The Numenera Role Playing Game
  20. Abney Park’s Airship Pirates a Music Inspired Steampunk Extravaganza
  21. Lawyer Bob Kohn Submits Legal Brief in Comic Format in e-book Case
  22. Singularity Co use Successful Kickstarter to Rescue out of Print SF Fantasy
  23. Spiritualism During the American Civil War
  24. Teaching and Fantasy Literature: The Hunger Games and the SAT
  25. Mars: A Planetary Star
  26. Edgar Rice Burrough’s Mars Part 9: Synthetic Men of Mars
  27. Roy Thomas’ Alter Ego Looks at Sword Sorcery in the Comics
  28. New Treasures: Black Bottle by Anthony Huso
  29. New Treasures: Cult Magazines A-to-Z
  30. Subterranean Press Announces $2.99 e-book Sale
  31. Solomon Kane Movie Needs More Solomon Kane
  32. 2012 Hugo Award Winners Announced
  33. This Week’s Bargain SF Fantasy Books at
  34. New Treasures: City Under the Moon by Hugh Sterbakov
  35. Gustav Meyrink’s Golem
  36. Goth Chick News: The Grass may be Greener Over There Because That’s Where the Bodies are Buried
  37. City of Iron
  38. Jane Lindskold Gives Black Gate its First Ever Audio Interview
  39. Vintage Treasures: From off this World edited by Leo Margulies and Oscar J Friend
  40. Josh Wimmer reviews Everything I need to Know I Learned from Dungeons and Dragons
  41. Twilight Sector Kickstarter
  42. It’s a Small World After All
  43. Jolly Blackburn’s Knights of the Dinner Table 191 now on Sale
  44. Vintage Treasures: Into the Aether by Richard A Lupoff
  45. New Treasures: Tim Waggoner’s The Nekropolis Archives
  46. Librarians to the Rescue: Worldsoul by Liz Williams

The Top 40 Black Gate blog posts in August are here.

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[…] The Top 40 Black Gate blog posts in September are here. […]

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